Kuroken: promise you'll marry me?

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Guys I'm starting to have writers block! I need some suggestions from you guys! I would love to hear them!

Don't ask me why it's another fem Kenma. I just like writing fem haikyuu! You don't really see it that often so I like writing them!

Kuroo's pov

I want to marry Kenma. It's true. I want her and only her as my wife.

She would look perfect in white... I could only imagine it now.. her walking down the aisle toward me looking absolutely gorgeous in her white dress and flowers smiling with her father by her side..

My heart flutters everytime I think about it.. but sadly it's only a dream... I wish it was real though

"Kuroo are you day dreaming again?" Yaku said walking up to me

Yaku was our shortest girl. I mean on our team at least. She was dating Lev Haiba. And I feel so bad for Lev.

There she was... sitting on a bench playing her video games but yet looking so perfect. You can tell she hasn't slept in awhile...

She looked up and I immediately looked away. I can't let Kenma catch me looking at her! That would be so awkward...

"KUROO!" Yaku yelled in my ear

"Geez! What do you want Yaku!" I said rubbing my ears because they hurt from i don't know YAKU SCREAMING IN THEM.

"Are you that mesmerized by Kenma you can't even hold up a normal conversation?!"

"Who says I was think about Kenma being my bride!" I blurted out... SHIT

I look over at Kenma. She was looking at me with her head tilted... fuck fuck fuck. FUCK.

Yaku couldn't stop laughing at me.

"It's not funny Yaku."

"Oh but it is!" Yaku said trying to catch her breath. "Soooo~ you want to marry Kenma?" Yaku teased

"Shut up yaku!" I said getting up "like Kenma would marry someone as annoying as me anyway"

"You don't know that Kuroo! You should at least ask her on a date!"

"Me and Kenma ARE dating... I just wish we would graduate high school faster... so I can propose to kenma.."

Me and Yaku were walking around the school building when a guy walked up to us.

"You actually like Kenma? Damn. I would just use her for that great body.. I mean have you seen those boobs-"

"SHUT UP! I remind you that's MY girlfriend your talking about here pal." I said in a low growl

"Geez I was just saying your girl has a nice body! No need to get hostile!" The guy said backing away

"Your lucky I don't punch you right in your jaw.." I was ultimately pissed off

The guy ended up just running away. My blood was boiling. WAS THAT ALL PEOPLE SEE IN KENMA?!

"Geez Kuroo! Calm down! He's not worth it.." Yaku said trying to calm me down, but all I really need now is Kenma.

"I'm going back to the courtyard." And I started walking back

I got back to the courtyard and saw Kenma sitting alone on the bench. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her

"K-Kuroo?" Kenma said looking up, once she looked up I immediately kissed her. I wanted everyone around us to see the Kenma is mine.

"What happened earlier? What were you yelling about?" Kenma said as I sat by her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now