Yakulev: secret 🤫

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Oh hai well I just wanted to say.. I just broke up with my headphones T^T her ass cheated on me with a god damn charger 😭

Let's just start the chapter.. 😅

Lev's pov

"Hey lev have you got yourself a girlfriend yet?" My sister asked me

"Why would I need a girlfriend?"

That wasn't true well partially well... I'm kinda... dating yaku-san but we just want to keep it to ourselves for now so that means lying to my sister.

"Levvvv you need a girlfriend!!!"

"No I don't I need to work on my spike!" I said throwing my hands in the air

"Your so lame lev"

3rd person (finally!)

Yaku was walking home alone when a certain 6'4 half Russian hugged him from behind.

"Lev! You scared me!" Yaku exclaimed

"I thought you heard me coming! I'm pretty loud" lev said kissing yaku's cheek

"Your such a sap lev" the lebaro said to the tall Russian

"Aww you like it when I give you affection!" Lev said picking up yaku

"Ehh! Put me down Lev or I'll kick your ass!" Yaku said squirming around in lev's arms

"No I don't want to! I haven't gotten to do this all day let me have this!" Lev said as yaku wrapped his legs around lev's waist and buried his face in lev's neck.

"Your so cute yaku-san!!"

"I'll pulverized you if you don't shut up and no I'm not!"


"Lev your hurting my hears!"

"Sorry yaku-san!"

"Stop calling me that when we're alone boke"

"Sleepover at my place tonight! It's our day off tomorrow and we don't have practice so it works!"

"Fine but don't try anything Lev"

While still caring yaku, Lev started to walk towards his own home. Yaku couldn't help of how strong Lev is. he snaps himself out of his daydream when Lev put yaku down.
They were at lev's house.

No one was home. They walked in and put their stuff down and sat on the couch.

"Bebe I want snuggles!" Lev said while pushing yaku down and laying on the short males chest

"Oi Lev your to heavy your gonna crush me!"

"Oh sorry! Here"

Lev pushed yaku over and laid behind yaku spooning him.

(Of course fucking Lev is big spoon with his tall ass IM ONLY FUCKING 5'0 DAMN YOU LEV!)

Yaku blushed but was trying to get comfortable but ended up making friction and it make Lev get a boner.

"Ehh Lev are you hard?!"

"Ehh What no!" Lev said trying to cover it up but failed

"L-let me take care of it.." Yaku said getting off the couch and making Lev sit up and close to the edge of the couch.

"Yaku you don't have to! It will go away!"

"I want to."

It was an hour later and lev finally came into yakus mouth of course yaku swallowed it.

"Why do we have to be a secret yaku... are you ashamed of me or why can't we tell the team about us!" Yaku was siting in lev's lap

"What?!? Ashamed of you were did that come from?! I would never be ashamed of you! I just want us just to be us for awhile before people bombard us with questions. I just want you alone right now with no one else" Yaku said kissing lev passionately of course Lev kissed back

"How do you think the team would react to us dating?"

"I don't think they would be surprised yaku!"

"Ehh why not?"

"Because they all know that I like you but they don't know that I already asked you out! Hehe"

"Your a goof lev"

"I'm YOUR goof"

"Of course"

"When can we tell the team?"

"Maybe next week? we shouldn't keep it from them for to long"

"Yea plus I wanna kiss you at ALL times not just when we're alone!"

Yaku just laughed and snuggled closer into lev's chest and fell asleep (I wish I could to T^T)

It was finally time for them to tell their team on what's been going on between them.. yaku was nervous. Not that they would hate him for being gay because kenma and Kuroo were dating and no one cared about that it was because yaku a smart and talented lebaro was dating a clumsy 6'4 giant. It's not that yaku didn't like how Lev was or how good of a player they were he just didn't want Lev to feel incompetent about himself..

They decided that they would just kiss in the club room while changing so they didn't have to have a awkward conversation with their team like Kuroo had.

Kuroo spent 2 and a half hours just talking about how much he loves kenma. He's obsessed.

It was time for their plan to fall in play. It was the end of practice and they all went back to the club room to change and head home.

"Hey Lev im heading out I'll see ya later"

"Your forgetting something"

Lev wasn't going with the plan at all he was supposed to kiss him earlier and now the whole team is looking.

Lev walked up to yaku and kissed him.

"Alright now you can go bye yaku-san!"

"Bye Lev" Yaku said with a smile he left Lev to handle all the questions.

They next day Lev way wayyy more attached to yaku now that they came out as a couple lev could give all of yaku his affection when ever he wanted.

A guy walked in asking for yaku

"Oh hi remi!"

"Y-yaku-San!" Lev was not happy at yaku talking to another guy at all.

Lev knew yaku could talk to whoever he pleases but he can't help but feel jealous that this "remi" was taking away yaku

They guy left and yaku went back to practicing with lev on receives.

"Who was that guys earlier?" Lev said in a 'who is he and what's his true intentions with yaku' kinda voice

"He was just a friend Lev calm down"

"I'm not getting worked up you are!

"Of course I am" Yaku said

Yaku than kissed Lev

"Than this will be our little secret."

Ok sorry the chapter is complete crap! I keep saying I'm gonna start writing sooner but I never do anyway good night or morning or noon where ever you are.

Word count: 1079

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