Tsukkiyama: jealous

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So like my last tsukiyama was legit trash and I hate it so here's another one

Tsuki's pov

We just finished a game and yama was being annoying cute. Yes I know I have a little crush on Yama well more like huge crush.

He was rambling on when terushima came up to me and Yama

"Hey freckles" he said with a smirk

"O-oh hi terushima!" Yama said with a small blush on his face

I started to tune them out I just wanted to be alone with Yama.. but I think he likes terushima.

"Yamaguchi we have to go" I said obviously annoyed

"Oh how sad.. hey freckles do you think I could get your number or maybe we could hang out sometime?" He said with a slight blush

"We have to go." I said pulling Yama away

"He seemed nice..."

"He's annoying"

"Haha tsuki you think everyone's annoying"
Yama said with a giggle

"Not you." I said bluntly

"I-I dont annoy you?.." Yama said with a blush while looking down at the ground

I was still holding his wrist and I wasn't planning on letting go

"You never have yamaguchi" I don't know what I was saying at this point I need to stop myself before I end up telling him everything.

He than started fiddling with his hair. It was the cutest thing ever.

Yama stopped and so did I.

"Tsuki your face is red are you sick?!" Yama said putting his hand on my forehead

He was so close to my face. He looked at me in the eye and it's like time froze and we were just standing their.

I took his hand from my forehead and brought them back down beside us but I didn't let his hand go. I grabbed his other hand to. I scooted him closer.

What was I doing?! I felt like I didn't have any control over my body!

Yamaguchi's face was plastered red and so was mine I brought my forehead to his, leaning down slightly to match his height.

I couldn't take my eyes off his lips they looked so kissable..

I backed away.

"S-sorry Yama.." I said and started to walk away Yama soon joined me and we were just walking in silence.

I ruined everything didn't I? He likes terushima and I almost kissed him I could have ruined everything! Yama doesn't like me and I need to get over it. But I can't..

We were on the bus ride back and I was sitting next to Yama when I felt him lean on my shoulder.

Yama fell asleep and he was resting his head on my shoulder. It almost felt like a dream come true.

Yama than did the cutest thing know to the planet earth.

He nuzzled his head into my neck with his lips slightly parted.

He looked like an angel he probably was.

I started to play with his hair, it was soft.

I wanted to jut kiss Yama. No one was looking and Yama was asleep.

I leaned down and placed my lips on Yama's

I was addicted to his lips. No. I was addicted to yamaguchi even though I tell him to shut up when he talks about me. I just get nervous and I don't know what else to say..

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