Iwaoi: y-your an omega?!

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A yes another omega verse. I sometimes look back on my old stories and try to find new ideas for my book. iTs wOrKiNg.

⚠️smut warning ⚠️ don't like? Don't read.

Iwaizumi's pov

Through out the 3rd year floor there is a faint yet sweet smell. I think it's an omega. Well it isn't any of my business. And I plan on keeping it that way.

Unlike other alphas I have more control over myself around omegas. Some alphas disgust me with how HORNY they are. I mean don't get we wrong I have URGES, but it's someone more... special.

It's not like I wanna go around and fuck every omega I see. Well some omega girls at this school see me as a giant play toy. AND ITS STARTING TO PISS ME OFF.

Some people come to school during their heat just so they can get some alpha up their ass.

Oikawa is an alpha to... I think? I mean he's never shown any signs of being an alpha and he doesn't date omegas.

Maybe he's a beta? No... what is he? There is no way he's an omega. Maybe I'm just over thinking this to much... or maybe I'm not...

Just Than a ball smacked into the back of my head. I turn around to see makki and Mattsun laughing and oikawa looking dumbfounded.

I start to walk over to Oikawa with a 'do you wanna die' look on my face. I was releasing alpha pheromones.

I was standing infront of Oikawa and he just backed away slowly.. was he to scared to challenge me? What is he doing?

"I-I have to use the bathroom!" Oikawa than rushed out of the gym.

The one thing that all alphas have in common... is that no matter what we never back out of a fight. It's not like I was gonna fight him! I just wanted to feel is pheromones....

"What was that?..." makki asked

"I don't know.." I said still staring at the door completely dumbfounded. "Makki your an omega, can you go see is he's an.. omega?" I asked looking over at makki

"Just because I'm an omega doesn't mean I can immediately know and tell you if there is another omega! The only way for me to know for sure is if I smelled his sweat gland.." Makki than looked at Mattsun

"No way in hell! I'm not just gonna let you go smell his sweat gland! What if he is an alpha and than-" Mattsun went off

Makki than immediately kissed him and then they started to make out. And I continuously find myself backing away.

I walked slowly out of the gym to find Oikawa. Where did that little idiot run off to?!

I went to the bathrooms and walked in. I found Oikawa sitting on the floor with his knees to his face.

"Oikawa?..." I asked slowly approaching him

Oikawa looked up at me with a tired and exhausted face... why did he look so tired?

"Iwa-" Than Oikawa passes out.. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!

I picked up Oikawa and carried him to the nurses office. I laid him down in bed and sat by him.

"Oh dear! What happened?" The nurse said walking over

"He's just tired... but it's weird I mean he was so energetic just a minute ago.. what happened?" I said staring at the beautiful sleeping man before me.

"Hmm... has he been acting weird lately? Maybe like a change in pheromones or?.." the nurse trailed off

"I mean earlier when I was releasing my alpha pheromones to challenge him,  he just ran away." I explained

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