Bokuaka: my soulmate?

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Hai umm well my last bokuaka was complete garbage so I'm making a new one so let's hope this one is better.

Akaashi's pov

I never really believed in my soulmate I mean what if things don't work out or they love someone else? It's a waste of time I'd rather work on volleyball and my studies.

Your soulmates name will appear at the same time when you met them. So if 2 people meet eachother and they have let's say been friends for a while the day that they met the moment the place and time they met than their names will appear on their wrist.

I don't think I've met anyone special yet and I don't plan on it. I don't need my soulmate I'm good on my own.

"Keiji.. please listen your soulmate is your other half how could you not want to meet them?" My mother explained to me

"Who would waste time on love when I have homework to complete"

"Keiji I hate to say this but school isn't everything! How about that girl you met the other day? Did you feel a connection with her?!" My mom was trying to reason with me

"Mom I have to get to practice I'll see you later" my mom always wanted me to be happy and find my "one true love" but no one truest has a one true love

When I was young I watched my dad die right infront of me. My mom killed my father for cheating on her. That's why I don't believe in soulmates because one day they'll end up dead. And I don't want to get hurt..

"HEY HEY HEY AKASHIIII" and here's my head ache. Bokuto yes was my friend but he was loud and it's 6am in the morning and I wasn't looking for a head ache all day

"Bokuto it's 6 in the morning please quiet down"

"Oh sorry akasi!"

"Please say my name right Bokuto"

"There's no fun in that!" He said throwing his hands in the air "anyway has your soulmate shown up yet?"

"No and I'm kinda hoping they don't show up" I said coldly

"Why not!" Bokuto exclaimed

"I don't have time for love I have other things to worry about"

"Well that's boring why wouldn't you want to meet the love of your life and spend the rest of your life with them. I want to meet them so bad it kind of hurts"

"That's why I don't want to meet them. I'll just end up getting hurt and what's the point in that"

"The point is to try akaashi! You'll never know until you try or even consider it!" 

"I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said." I said looking up at Bokuto

"HEY!" Bokuto said looking at me with his pouty face. "Oh yea akaashi in 3 days the school is gonna set off fireworks to celebrate the beginning of school!"

"Oh yea I heard about that. Isn't that the day we set in the gym?"


It was the day before me and bokuto met officially.

What if he was my soulmate? WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING! I don't care for soulmates their useless and pointless and- why is my heart beating so fast and why is my face heating up so much.. what is this feeling?!

Me and bokuto we're walking along the road and I slipped backwards as a car was coming..

I was gonna get hit!

Bokuto grabbed my wrist and lounged me forward I landed on his lap.

His face was dig into my neck. That same feeling was coming back again what the hell was it?! My face heated up again and in my body suddenly felt more what's the term 'at home'

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