Kagehina: your heartbeat.

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So I woke up from my daily nap with blue teeth...

My family won't stop making fun of me..

Kageyama's pov

I feel like breaking.

I don't know what to do...

Hinata is in the hospital. He's going to make it. But it still scares me.

We're in our 3rd year and hinata got in a shooting... he was shot in his stomach..

He's ok now but I can't help having dreams of his heart stopping and him dying... I love Hinata. He's the man I want to grow old with, I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

I'm heading to the hospital where Hinata is recovering from surgery.

I drove there and parked my car and locked it. I walked inside and nodded to the nurse, I come here often so all the nurses know who I am and why I'm there.

I walk up to hinata's room and found his mom trying to feed him.

"Kageyama-San! Can you knock some sense into shoyo! He won't eat! He hasn't eaten Sense this morning!" Hinata's mom pleaded

"I'm just not hungry!" Hinata said moving his head away from his mom

Miss, Hinata gave me the food and I sat down and smiled at Hinata

"You won't get me to eat!"

"If you eat I'll give you a kiss." I said bluntly

Hinata's face went red and nodded, I'm his boyfriend, of course I know how to bribe him into eating.

Hinata finally finished his food and than looked at me

"Aww do you want your kiss?" I said with a smirk

"Yes I do!" Hinata said

I put the empty bowl of soup down and leaned over on the bed and gave Hinata a kiss.

"Aww! You boys are so cute! Me and natsu have to go, it's her bed time! Kageyama you do need to get home and get some rest you've been non stop taking care of Hinata! I want you to get some decent sleep tonight!"

I just laughed and nodded...

How was I supposed to get decent sleep if I keep having nightmares about hinata's heart stopping?!

Miss. Hinata and natsu left and Hinata looked at me

"What's wrong."

"What are you talking about?" I said raising an eyebrow

"You know what I'm talking about! I'm your boyfriend! Tell me what wrong with you!" Hinata said grabbing my hand

I looked down at his hand. His hand had his IV needle in and just that kind of sight brought back memories of my nightmares..

I picked up his hands and kissed them slowly..

"Hinata lets go for a walk. You can't just sit in bed all day. You have to walk around."

I helped Hinata get out of his bed and we got his IV and started walking around slowly.

Hinata has to start walking straight again, he still had trouble walking. More like his stamina is completely depleted.

We walked around and hinata hung on my arm the whole time

"Kageyama! I want a kiss!" Hinata says looking up at me

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