Asanoya: only for you

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Day 2826372: why I haven't become bread is beyond me BUTTTT I've been forced to wear mascara and I am now uncomfortable.

Asahi's pov

Nishinoya yuu or maybe Asahi yuu. I blushed at the thought of noya marrying me he would be so beautiful in white.

"Are you just gonna daydream about him for are you gonna grow the cojones to ask him out"  suga said smacking my back

"E-ehh I wasn't-"

"Don't lie your making it to obvious!"

I can't even lie I really liked noya I think about him all the time and I wasn't very secretive about it. I told suga and daichi that I wanted to ask noya on a date but now I don't think I can do it.

"Come on Asahi you said you'd do it today!" Suga exclaimed

"I know I know! But he just looks so perfect and I can't just go up to him and be like 'hey wanna go on a date with me!'"

"You'll be fine! I'm sure he'll say yes" daichi tried explaining to me

"No way I'm not asking him until I know he'll say yes."

"Than how about we'll go ask him we won't say it's you who sent us but we'll ask him about the whole going on a date idea" daichi said

"Are you like 6" I said laughing

"Ok than we'll be right back" suga said

"No only one of you go he'll figure out it's me if only you two go!"

They both just nodded. suga ended up going.


Noya's pov

I was just hanging out with ryu when suga showed up.

Everyone knew I didn't really like kiyoko they knew I only 'liked' her to hide that I was gay.

I don't have the most approving parents.

"Hey noya I have a question!" Suga said smiling at me

"Hmm What is it?" I said titling my head

"If a certain someone wanted to ask you on a date what would you say?"

I blushed red

Someone wanted to ask me on a date? I'm curious of who it is

"I'll tell you my answer if you tell me who it is"

"Sorry no can do they told me not to say" suga immediately covered his mouth

"So you do know this person! Mind telling me who it is?"

"I can't they'll kill me if I even give the first letter of their name!"

"Oh come on I won't tell anyone!"

He just looked around nervously

"Ok but Tanaka you have to go not even you can know this."


"Tanaka!" Suga said with his 'leave or your ass is gonna get beat look'

Tanaka took a very long sigh and left

"Ok please don't tell this person I told her this!"

"I won't that's the point!"

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now