Asanoya: sick

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On with the chapter

Asahi's pov

Noya isn't at practice so where is he? Maybe Tanaka knows.

"Hey tanaka"

"Yo wassup Asahi!"

"Do you know where noya is?"

"Oh hoho why are you looking for noya? Are you worried" Tanaka said with a smirk.

Everyone on the team knew I had a crush on noya, well besides noya himself.

"Actually yes I am." I said truthfully

"He's sick today, yesterday he sat in the rain so he got sick"

"Ehh?! Why did he sit in the rain!?"

"Don't know man. Maybe you should go check on him to make sure he's ok"

I blushed at the thought of me taking care of sick noya

"Why don't you check on him?!"

"He'd be happier to see you. So get going!" Tanaka started pushing me out of the club room

But I still have school? Screw it! Nishinoya is more important

On the way to Noya's house I decided to text him.

  To: noya 💞
Hey noya!

-noya 💞-
Oh hey Asahi! What's up?

  To: noya 💞
Hey I heard you were sick so is it ok if
I come check on you if it's not Weird?

-noya 💞-
Are you sure Asahi? I dont want you
To get sick to!

  To: noya 💞
I'll be fine! I just want to make sure
Your ok!

-noya 💞-
Alright but if you get sick it's on you!

   To: noya 💞
Ok I should be their soon!

Ok so now noya knows I'm coming over! I start to pass by ukai's shop. Maybe I should get noya something

I walk into the store and look around. I know noya loves cinnamon so I bought cinnamon rolls,

I walked to Noya's house and knocked on the door.

"Hey Asahi!" Noya looked exhausted he had his hair down and slight bags under his eyes

"Noya you look tired!"

"I've been waiting for you to get here!" Noya said with a tired smile

"Come on let's get you to bed"

Me and noya walked in

"Hmm what's that?" Noya pointed at the bag I was holding. I took out the cinnamon rolls and he looked at me with excitement.

I placed the cinnamon rolls on the kitchen table.

I turned around and noya jumped on me. He wrapped his legs  around my waist and arms around my neck.

"N-noya what a-are you doing?"

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