Sakuatsu: trust me

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Ok so....


I was looking at one of my older chapters, when I only had 50 reads. I really appreciate everyone reading!

⚠️smut warning ⚠️ don't like? Don't read

Atsumu's pov

Damn these girls are annoying... ALL I WANT TO DO IS GO SNUGGLE WITH OMI-KUN!

The thing that pisses me off is that these girls know I'm dating omi-kun, yet they still hit on me. Like HELL im gonna cheat on my omi!

I didn't even say goodbye to the girls i just left. I didn't want to deal with them. I just want my omi.

I was walking towards me and omi-kun's car when I was pinned against the building. Omi?

"Who were those girls." Omi asked in a ruff and husk voice

"Just some fans..." I said looking away blushing

"Don't tell me your interested in them."

"Are you crazy?! I'm dating you! Why would I need someone else?" I asked wrapping my arms around omi-kun's neck

He just nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I can understand where he's coming from though.. he's just nervous. He talked to me about how his past boyfriend ended up cheating on him with some hoe bag. I remember hearing the story from him and all I wanted to do is make sure that he never has to doubt me like that.

I gave omi a quick kiss and we left to our car and started driving.

"Omi-kun when we get home get ready! We're going on a date!" I said smiling

"Fine... just not somewhere super public.."

"I know omi-kun!"

We arrived at our dorm that we shared with Hinata and bokuto. Well we did share with them until they moved out. Bokuto got married to akaashi and Hinata moved in with kageyama. I think he should be proposing soon.. I don't know. I wish me and omi could get married..

Me and omi walked inside and found bokuto sitting on the couch.

"Bokuto? What are you doing here?" I asked walking over to him

"Oh I came here to grab a few things. I left some photo frames here and I want to use them for me and akaashi's wedding pictures! I also found this memory photo book that I left! Look it's me and akaashi in high school!" He said pointing in the book.

In the picture bokuto and akaashi were dancing in the water together. They looked so happy.. I'm happy that they got married, there a perfect match.

"Babe I'm gonna go shower" omi said kissing my cheek

I love that he feels comfortable enough with me that he doesn't feel that he needs to wear a mask or have to sanitize before touching me. I love omi-kun!

"You and akaashi are really a perfect match! I'm happy you two got married!" I said patting bokuto's shoulder

"I am to... I remember on our wedding day.. he wore a white tux and I couldn't stop my own tears.."

"It's weird to see you being so serious!" I said laughing

Bokuto just laughed

"You and sakuza should get married to! I mean you guys seem like you really love eachother!" Bokuto said with a big smile

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