Kuroken: A MERMAID!?

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Okkkk so this was just a random idea I don't know if it's gonna be any good but here we go!

I still wanna be bread 🍞

Kuroo's pov

Me and bokuto we're walking along the beach like we normally do after practice, we were on different teams but we still practiced volleyball together.

Bokuto had to head home his mom needed him or something.

I was walking on the docks when a captain of a boat waved me over

"Oi do you wanna see something cool lass?" He said to me. He sounded like a pirate he had a long black beard and messy long-ish hair about to his shoulders.

"Sure What is it?"

"It's the most beautiful thing you'll ever see! And it's never been caught before!"

I walked up and saw a cage with a cover on it.

"Wanna see what's inside?"


We stood infront of the cage and he took off the cover... it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He was a mermaid with black faded blonde hair and the most beautiful face.he looked like he was out cold than I realized he was bleeding from his head.

"Hey he's injured!"

"Ahh he'll be fine but isn't he a beauty! I could sell him for millions!"

This was wrong! I didn't know anything about the beautiful mer-man but I felt like I wanted to save him. he was gorgeous.. I kept getting mesmerized with his features like is small but beautiful lips or his long lashes or his perfect skin and his small hands that looked perfect for holding.

I need to help him. A distraction! While he was going off about how good of a fisherman he was I quickly yelled

"HEY THEIRS ANOTHER ONE!" He immediately looked over the edge of the ship and I shoved him off

The mermaid was awake now because of the commotion. His eyes.. were so so indescribable I got lost in the immediately.

He started to move away from me he had a horrified look in his eyes,

"Hey it's ok, I won't hurt you I want to help your head is bleeding.." I said squatting infront of the cage.


"Please trust me! I need to get you out of here!"

He scooted closer to me

"T-the k-key is o-over their!" He squeaked

I grabbed the key and unlocked the cage opening it. I picked up the mermaid he was heavier than I thought he would be.

I threw him over bored into the water, he was free now!

Everything went black I felt so cold and I was falling? I don't know maybe I was sinking but I couldn't breath.

Than something warm grabbed me and dragged me along. The thing stopped and put me on land.

I opened my eyes the sunset blinded me and I saw the mermaid from earlier!

"Ehh?!?" He backed up and scooted away from me

"Y-you saved me" I said crawling over to him but he was crawling back

Than he passed out because his head was still bleeding.

I took off my jacket and tore a sleeve off and placed it around his head to stop the bleeding,

The more I looked at him the more beautiful he became.. I realized he probably needed water so I carried him into the shallow section and sat down with him, his head was on my lap, I just noticed his tail it was red orange and yellow faded together.

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