Bokuaka: this doesn't look like studying...

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Ok yes I know I'm a sucker for the fem haikyuu characters!

Hehe this is gonna be interesting

⚠️ smut warning ⚠️don't like? Don't read.

I know another smut chapter! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, this is my apology for it! Enjoy~

Bokuto's pov

Akaashi Kenji... the most beautiful girl to EVER exist. Every guy has a crush on her. And it so happens that Im her boyfriend! I'm so lucky!..

All the guys on the boys volleyball team always talk about her, I mean she is gorgeous... but they only talk about her looks.. I mean do they even know how smart she is?! Or how she likes the quiet but yet she puts up with me!

I could already feel my heart start to beat faster. Knowing she's all mine puts me at ease... it makes me so happy that she's my girlfriend..

"Bokuto!" A guy from our team jogged over to me "hey! I just found out you and akaashi are dating! You don't mind sharing right? I mean Sharing is caring! You wouldn't mind if I-" I immediately punched him in the face.

"BOKUTO!" Konoha said running over to get me off of whaling on this guy.


"YOU BASTARD! TOUCH AKAASHI AND ILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" I yelled, the guy stood up and punch me.

And that's when I got into a fist fight, Konoha, komi and akaashi had to get me off of this guy. A couple guys dragged him away and akaashi grabbed my face and forced me to look at her.

"Bokuto! Calm down!" She gave me a soft look with a small smile.. I could already feel myself calm down just by looking at her or hearing her voice..

"I'm sorry you had to witness that... but I'm not sorry for nailing him in the jaw."

Akaashi than leaned onto my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. I looked over at the guy and he was glaring at me so I glared at him and even snickered because I was the only one to ever get this close to her.

"What happened? What did he say to lead you to punch him in the face?" Akaashi said holding both sides of my face softly.

"That bastard... I'm gonna kill him." I said pulling away from akaashi and rolling up my sleeves and I started to walk over to him.

Just the thought of what he said made my skin boil. I'm gonna kill him for even thinking he had a chance with akaashi the living, walking, GODDESS.

Konoha and Komi were trying to stop me from starting another fight with this kid. I wasn't going to back down! I than felt akaashi wrap her arms around me and I immediately stopped dead in my tracks.

"Please don't get into another fight... I don't want you to get hurt..." akaashi mumbled into my back. Ok she convinced me.

I turn around and hugged akaashi back. I won't let that pervy asshole near her anymore. I might just have to kick him from the team.

"What did he say to make you so mad bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked looking at me with her deep blue eyes and a small blush on her face.

"He was talking about how me and you were dating and about how I could 'share' you and let him have 'fun' with you. It pissed me off. Like hell I would let him have you!" I said in pure anger

"Hey... hey! It's ok... look I'm right here. You should know I'm all yours right? I know you wouldn't let him touch me.." akaashi said with a small smile.

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now