Tuskiyama: your kiss

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Ok so I now live on soda and coffee to stay awake and so far it is affective.

I forgot what day it was so I started calling everyday a new ice cream flavor... I want ice cream T^T

Yamaguchi's pov

I've always been really close with tsuki. Well I like to think so.. I think he just thinks I'm annoying... I mean he tells me to shut up at the time and I think he's getting tired of me..

Me and tsuki we're walking to school like normal. Tsuki had his headphones on and was listening to his music.

I was walking a few steps behind him.. like usual.

As the days go on I start to drift away from tsuki. I've made some new friends that I hand out with quite frequently! Their really nice!

And plus it's not like tsuki needs me anyway I mean he won't even have a decent conversation with me without telling me to shut up...

I stopped showing up at me and tsuki's meeting spot and I began walking with my new friends.

We were all walking into school when I looked to my left and saw tsuki walking in the school to. He looked at me.

Usually I would run over and say good morning but I just ignored him. I kept walking and talking with my new friends leaving tsuki behind.

I walked into me and tsuki's class. I had a guy in that class. He liked talking to me I guess because he always came over and hung out with me before class. He's really nice! And not bad looking either..

I really like my new group of friends! I haven't seen tsuki try and make new friends at all.

Me and tsuki haven't talked in 2 weeks. And to be honest I've been kinda distracted so I haven't really...


I mean tsuki didn't ever like me anyways. I had a crush on tsuki before but now I don't know.. I think I'm losing those feelings..

But no matter what I still cared for tsuki. But why?

Tsukishima's pov

What the hell is going on with yamaguchi. He just ignored me at the front gate! And he stopped showing up at our usual place.

If I'm gonna be honest I felt lonely without yamaguchi there. He always talked about many different things like baking to video games to even a book he was reading.

He hasn't said anything to me in the past 2 weeks.. did I do something wrong? Yamaguchi is my best friend and what I would like to think.. maybe my future boyfriend.. but now that he's ignoring me and talking to new people I don't know if he's even my friend anymore.

I've never liked anyone before and it even took a while to find out that I like yama. I guess I just started looking at him differently.

I started to notice small things like when he gets nervous he starts fiddling with his hair or when he's scared he'll avoid eye contact with anyone and everyone or when he's lying his ears and face turns red. Or when he's surprised his little antenna stands up straight.

I really do like yamaguchi but how could you be with someone who ignores you?

I was starting to panic. What if he got tired of my bull shit and left me or maybe he likes someone else and they don't want him near me.. I mean he's been hanging out with this one guy lately...

UGH I need to snap out of it!

I started focusing back on my work.

After school I decided after practice I would talk to yama about what's going on with him..

After practice we were all in the club room changing back into our normal clothes.

"Hey yama can I talk to you."

"Sure tsukishima"

Did he really just call me by my name? What happened to my nickname that he gave me when we were kids?!

I started panicking again. Was he really fed up with me?...

Me and yama we're walking home. He wasn't behind me or talking my ear off like normally. He was distanced and was completely silent.

I stopped in my tracks, yama looks back at me with a confused look

"What's wrong with you yama?!" I said over emotionally.

I feel like me and yama switched rolls..

"What are you talking about" Yama said in an average tone.

"You stopped walking with me to school and stopped talking to me completely and you ignored me at the front entrance. What's up with you yamaguchi"

"I can't believe you." Yama said looking kind of pissed off "really?! You really wanna know what's going on?! For years you've told me to shut up and now that I'm quite you think it's weird?! Your the one that always ignores me on our way to school and from back school! So I decided I should stop talking to you all together! I mean I was the only one contributing to our friendship, you've never asked me to hangout nor have you barely acknowledge my existence. That's what's wrong tsukishima. Why can't you talk to me like a normal person!"

Yama started to speed walk away from me. I stood their shocked..

So I did mess up... I messed everything up.. all because I'm an ignorant asswhole.

I ran after yamaguchi. He was at the top of a hill with a very pretty view on the rest of the valley.

"YAMA WAIT!" I shouted trying to catch up.

"I don't want to talk to you tsukishima."

"Do you wanna know why I can't talk to you like a normal person?!" I said grabbing yamas hand

I pulled him closer and placed his hand where my heart was.

Whenever I'm close to yama my heart starts to pound like crazy.

That's how I was feeling right now. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

Yama looked at me confused.

"Every time I'm around you my heart pounds out of my chest and I never know what to do so I pushed you away I'm sorry yama..."

He just stared at me with wide eyes and a red face.

"I like you yamaguchi" I finally spoke. My heart started to pound like crazy.. I really did like yama

I leaned down and closed the gap between us.

Yamaguchi's pov


I know I said I was losing feelings for him before but it was a lie, I've been trying to get rid of these feelings for awhile now.. it's harder than it looks

I close my eyes and kiss tsuki back. I knew after this things were gonna change.

Tsuki grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. I was holding both sides of his face I tilted my head to deepen the kiss by a little.

We broke for air. Tsuki looked at me.

"I'm sorry for being a complete asswhole to you yama but I really do like you.. can you return my feeling?..." tsuki said looking at me with hope in his eyes

"I-I like y-you to tsuki.. I'm also sorry for ignoring you I was being a total jerk"

Tsuki nuzzled his head in my neck

"Your a good kisser tsuki" I said playfully trying to make tsuki flustered

Tsuki looked up at me and kissed me again and again.

I like tsuki's kiss.

Okkk so coffee works wonders for staying up late. Anyway I'm gonna get to bed good night! Or morning... or mid day...

I don't know where you are but good earth.

Word count: 1292

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