Bokuaka: move in

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Akaashi's pov

Bokuto graduated high school but refused to move away from me... it was cute... he moved into his own house which was pretty close to the school so I would go to his house and visit.

Finally practice ended and I could go see bokuto... it feels like it's been so long Sense I've seen my boyfriend.. I just saw him yesterday.

I walked out of school and down the street, I decided to stop off at a local store and got bokuto some snacks.

I left the store and realized their was someone behind me, I started to walk around hoping he would go a different direction... he kept following me.. what was I gonna do?..

The guy was much bigger than me and I know I couldn't fight him off on my own..

Bokuto! I ran into a store hoping the guy wouldn't follow me. The guy waited outside by the door so if I left I wouldn't be able to get away.

I dialed bokutos number and he finally picked up.

I look outside to the guy staring at me... he was scary... I could feel tears running down my face.. what was gonna happen to me?

'Babe? Where are you I thought you were coming over?'

I started crying

'Babe?! What's going on?!' Bokuto asked worriedly

"Help... someone is following me and I'm hiding in a store and I'm scared... I don't know what to do... he's right outside and he's way bigger than me... can you come get me?" I asked whipping away my tears

'I'm already on my way. Don't worry babe no one will lay one hand on you. Stay put. I'll be their in no less than 5 minutes'


He hung up and I sat down and looked at the front door again... he was standing at the front door.. he was scary... he was just straight staring at me..

He was reaching for the handle when bokuto came up and grabbed his shoulder..

I walked to the door and opened it. The guy started reaching for me when bokuto grabbed his wrist and threw him away from me

"What are you doing following MY boyfriend you creep." Bokuto said in a low Growl

I leaned my head on his chest and hugged him. He kissed my head and glared at the guy, the man ran away and I looked up at bokuto

My eyes were red a puffy. I didn't expect bokuto to get here so fast...

"Are you ok?! Did he touch you?!"

I shook my head and buried my head in his chest

He picked me up and carried me home. HIS home not mine.. We got inside and he took off my shoes and his and proceeded to carry me to his bed. His bed was a king sized bed.. why did he have such a big bed? He laid me down and laid next to me and turned the tv on.

He pulled me in closer and snuggled me.

"I don't want you walking home alone anymore. Your house is to far away."

"What are you saying bokuto?" I asked looking up at him

"Move in with me babe!" Bokuto said with a big smile

I sat up and looked at him in shock

"You want me to move In with you?! B-but I stay up late studying! And sometime I drool when I sleep! I don't wake up right away and sometimes-"

"I already know all of this akaashi! I hate being so far apart from you! I wanna wake up every Morning and see your face drool or not! If you move in with me you'll be closer to school and you can be with me all the time!" Bokuto said sitting up and moving some strand hairs out of my face

I smiled at bokuto

"You realize I have to talk to my parents-"

"I already talked to them! Thy said it would be fine! Theirs a reason I have a king size bed akaashi! It's supposed to be for you and me!" Bokuto said with excitement "so will you move in with me?"

"Of course my big teddy bear!" I said tackling him and laying on him

"Thank god I was so nervous to ask you..."

"You were nervous?" I said looking at him in the eye

"You couldn't tell?! I was shaking!"

I just laughed

"Stay the night.. tomorrow we can go get your things!"

"Of course... I'll text my parents to tell them what's going on"

I texted my parents and they already told me that they packed my things... they were in a rush to move me out...

I put my phone down and bokuto turned me over and kissed me I obviously kissed back and he broke the kiss and cuddled into my chest

"I'm so happy akaashi!! Now I have you all to myself!!"

I laughed

"I'll move in with you butttt you have to keep our room clean. No random clothes or video games laying on the floor!" I said in a joking manner

He nodded and started to kiss my neck lovingly. I had always wished to move in with bokuto.. it's almost like we're married...

We finished packing my things in the back of bokutos car and I looked back to see my parents standing in the doorway smiling

I walked up to them and hugged them. Bokuto came and wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled at me.

"Out of all the people in the world, I'm glad keiji chose you bokuto-San" my mom said leaning her head on my fathers shoulder

"Take care of him ok?" My father said with a smile

"Of course!" Bokuto said happily

At this moment I found it extremely hard to stop smiling.

I sat in the passenger seat and bokuto started the Engine and we started driving home. Our home.

We unloaded all of my things and I started putting my clothes away in our walk in closet. I wonder how bokuto got his hands on such a nice house! I mean his parents do have a lot of money and bokuto does have a job... it makes sense.

I felt arms wrap around me and soft kisses on my neck.

"Bokuto What are you doing?"

"Koutarou. I want you to call me by my first name.." kou said kissing my neck

"Fine but you have to call me keiji!" I said turning around and wrapping my arms around kou's neck

He nodded and gave me an Eskimo kiss. I love kou...

"Come on akaashi! It's late we should be getting to bed!" Kou said picking my up and throwing me on our bed

I love the thought of saying that me and kou live together.. because we do.. god I've never felt so happy..

Koutarou snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his head.

"I'm gonna get used to this..." kou said before falling asleep

"Me to.." I said drifting off to sleep myself.

I can already tell I will love living with Koutarou.


I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

I don't really write very long authors notes because like no one reads them sooo yeaaa.

Word count: 1223

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