Asanoya: dont answer it!!!

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Ok yes I know that I said I would be back but school had me rapped around it's little finger and I just couldn't stop at one point, anyway enjoy the chapter.

⚠️smut warning⚠️ don't like? Don't read.

Asahis pov

Crap. I'm so horny it's not even funny. How does someone just tell there partner there horny???

Ok so me and noya have been dating for like 5 months and I don't know how to tell him that I want to rail him- anyway.

I mean he's just so cute... especially with his hair down... and when he's really tired and his eyes are droopy, he looks like a puppy.. it's so cute (*≧∀≦*)

Suga keeps saying that I should just drop hints that I want... him... in my bed... perhaps with his clothes off... and me- moving on..


It was late at night and I was all alone in my room... alone. With a big boner because I couldn't get these stupid thoughts out of my head...

I slowly reach into my pants and pull out my hard member. For a guy my size it's no shocker that I'm... big.. im not trying to show off or anything! It's just the truth...

I grab my member and start to jack off thinking about Noya.

"MMM" I groaned as I went faster... god I want Noya... in my bed right now... sweating and panting and moaning my name-

"AAH!" I suddenly came into my own hand. I looked down at my hand and just shook the thoughts away. I cleaned myself up and went to sleep finally.

The next morning at practice I couldn't stop my thoughts from the night before..

"Asahi!!!!" Noya yelled running over "you still coming over today babe??"

I smiled

"Of course"

This is gonna go bad...

I walked over to suga and I told him the situation.

"Just take your chance, I mean that's what daichi did-"

"Ok! I did not need to know that!" I said covering my face like an embarrassed child

"What's going on??" Daichi said walking over to us,

"Oh, Asahi is asking for some advice on how to tell Noya that he wants to fuck him" suga said with a innocent smile

Daichi just looked at me and then back at suga and than just left, I don't think he wanted to be apart of the conversation... and I no longer wanted to be part of the conversation either..

"Ok first, do you even have condoms?"

"Umm... no?"

"Do you have lube?"


"Do you just not have anything prepared?! Come on! Your going to his house today! After school I want you to stop by the store and get your 'supplies' ok?"

I nodded and suga ran off to give daichi attention because whenever daichi doesn't have suga's attention he starts to get jealous and act like a baby.

It was after school and noya and I were walking back to his place when we were passing by the store. I remembered what suga said and stopped

"Why'd you stop babe?" Noya asked

"Stay here I need to get something, I'll be right back I promise!" I said quickly running inside.

ONE-SHOTS OF THY HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now