Asanoya omegaverse

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Ok hear me out if you think about it we are just less hairy monkeys... and thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Nishinoya's pov

It was the middle of practice that i started to feel a bit dizzy, I felt weaker and my bones started to give up on themselves. I tried sitting down for a moment.

"Hey Noya are you ok?" Suga said with his normal 'worried mom voice"

"Yea I'm fine, let's get back to practice!"
I put on my normal smile and got back up I started to feel dizzy again but ignored it. I ran over to ryū, my body is starting to feel weird and hot I knew I was and omega but everyone thought I was a beta I realized that I was about to go into heat. I had to get out of their before my sent leaks.

"Noya you don't look so hot your all red a sweaty"

"It's nothing I'm just really hot!" It was winter so it wasn't hot at all it was just my body getting ready to go into heat,

"I need to g-go" I gained the strength to spit those words out I started to walk to the door when everything went back I could hear people screaming my name.

Suga's pov

I was talking to daichi and saw noya walking towards the exit and than he fell over.

"NOYA!" I yelled and ran over everyone else joining me to, Asahi ran over he looked horrified. I knew his little crush on our Libro but I thought to was just a little crush but the look on his face told me otherwise.

"NOYA! NISHINOYA!" Asahi said shaking noya and than we all smelt it... it was noya his pheromones... he was a omega?! I mean I am to so are a few people on the team but noya never told anyone at least I don't think. All I knew is that we had to get noya to the nurse fast before an alpha comes and try's to take noya.

Before I could say anything I saw Asahi scoop up noya into his arms,

"I'm taking him to the nurse" he said with a very protective tone. It looks like someone might be to over protective of their omega (they aren't mates yet... YET) Asahi than ran out the door with noya.

"Noya is an omega?!?" Tanka says with his jaw to the floor,

"Suga did you know about this I mean your an omega" ennosita says I tense up and everyone looked at me in shock besides, hinata, yamaguchi, ennoshita and kita,

"Oh crap sorry suga!" Ennoshita immediately says


Asahi's pov

I HAD to get noya to the nurse fast I could see people start to look at noya and some with a seductive look I only glared at them. I knew noya wasn't my omega but I wanted him to be I loved noya so much and now that people are looking at him like that I just UGH I soon reached the nurse I knew a few alphas lingered around to see if I would leave him alone HA not a chance noya started to squirm in my arms and let out tinny like moans that were only Audible to me god I want to let my pheromones out so bad but I couldn't I can't do that to noya.

I opened the door to the nurse, he looked at me and immediately understood the situation.

"Oh dear set him in the bed I need to go get him pills I'll be back as fast as I can. Stay here make sure no alpha touches him!" And like that she was gone.

Noya sat up in the bed and looked at me with lust in his eyes god he looked so good... NO STOP ASAHI you can't think like that..

Noya than faced his whole body facing me he looked so fragile at this state. He gave me a sad look with lust still in his eyes.

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