🤍Chapter 5💠

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"First day of work! Wow, I really got hired!" Jisoo got up and went to take his morning shower, brushed his teeth and then got dressed. "I think I'll wear something more comfortable today." He settled on a simple but casual outfit, that screamed business casual but also comfortable.

" He settled on a simple but casual outfit, that screamed business casual but also comfortable

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Jisoo admired himself in the mirror. "It'll do for today. Well, best be off." He got some quick breakfast, walked to his bus and made his way to the company. "Here we go, fellas." He walked in, taking in the atmosphere of the company. He's going to love it here.

   "Oh. Morning. You start work here today right?" Jisoo looked at the person who walked up to him. He was wearing light blue polish, had a very cute smile and looked like he'll curse in a minute. Not to mention what he was wearing authenticated his aura even more.

 Not to mention what he was wearing authenticated his aura even more

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"I'm Seungkwan, aka Hansol's personal assistant. It's nice to meet you-" Jisoo snapped back to reality. He spelled out his name. "Jisoo." Seungkwan gave a confused look. "Okay, honey I need you to write that down." Seungkwan said.

    Jisoo giggled internally and then wrote down his name on a sheet of paper. Jisoo. "Ahh okay. Well it's nice to meet you. You must be Seokmin's new assistant?" Jisoo nodded. "Great! I'll take you to where you're needed. Follow me."

   God give me strength. Jisoo followed him to the elevator and showed him the respective office. "This is where the department chairs operate. We work here at this table." He was shocked at the interior. Wowww.

"Why here? I thought we-" "Sweetheart, I've told you before." Jisoo smiled and shook his head at Seungkwan. He quickly wrote down his question. "Ah. Well, we have to check documents and such before any of the chairs, sign them off to the company or so."

Jisoo nodded. "Well, I'll let you go meet him and I'm gonna go learn sign language. Be blessed!" Jisoo chuckled at that. He walked off. Then he went to see who he was working for. When he finally walked in, they were both shocked beyond measure. "You?! You are my new assistant?!" Oh boy.

   "Well, it's wonderful to know such and it's obviously evident that my job's done here so I'll leave you to it." Seungcheol walked out after that. The two looked at each other.

   Seokmin chuckled. "You look frightened. Don't be. I promise I'm not as mean as people make me out to be."

   Jisoo nodded. "Ahh yes. You're mute. Which reminds me: is it selectively? Or by birth?"

    Jisoo signed out both. Seokmin nodded. "I see. Well, as I've said, I understand sign language so that won't be much of a problem. For me at least." Seokmin sat at his desk, loosening up his tie a bit. Oh that's hot, Jisoo thought.

   "So, some rules and regulations to go over, vastly. First things first: don't be so formal. I'm a laid back kind of businessman. And for the love of God, please don't use sir. Even in writing." Jisoo nodded and took note of that.

   "If you don't mind me asking, what would you like me to call you?" Jisoo signed. Seokmin smiled a small smile. "DK." Jisoo looked with a curious face, respected his new boss's wishes. "Okay then, Dk."

"Glad we see eye to eye. Now, as long as things get done, we will remain on good terms with each other. Understood?" Jisoo nodded. "Understood, DK."

Seokmin smiled. "I see you're sharper than I thought. I take it that we're going to be wonderful friends. Which reminds me, I never got your name."

"Oh, it's Jisoo. Hong Jisoo." Seokmin looked confused for a moment. "Write that, please." Jisoo held up the paper he showed Seungkwan earlier. Seokmin nodded. "Well then, Jisoo. Welcome to Lee Incorporated."

   "Ah! Jisoo. Just in time. I need you to sign this, please." The clueless boy took the paper, and read over it. It showed that his starting bonus would be at $50,000, and he'd be paid weekly. He looked up at Seungcheol.

   Jisoo started to protest, but knew he wouldn't win the elder over. Therefore, he went ahead and signed it. He handed him the paper, still unsettled with having to do that.

  "Don't lose sleep over it, Soo. Trust me." Jisoo nodded, still feeling guilty about having so much money being paid to him.

"Now, it's time for you to tour Sir Seokmin's place. You'll need to be there everyday," Seungcheol said, gathering his notebook and things. Jisoo was lost. I gotta go to this man's house? Wait...

"Well then, shall we be off?" Jisoo snapped up at the voice and nodded shakily, causing Seungcheol to chuckle a bit. Adorable, he is.

They stepped outside and were met with a beautiful limo, waiting for them with the driver standing up, holding the door open for Jisoo.

   They stepped outside and were met with a beautiful limo, waiting for them with the driver standing up, holding the door open for Jisoo

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He got inside, admiring how spacious and modernized it was. He could get used to not having to ride a bus almost everyday.

"Ready to go, Seungcheol?" "Yes, Younghyun hyung. You can go now." Said driver started the car and drove off.

Jisoo was enjoying everything, being offered food and drinks as they drove on. He was so immersed in the atmosphere of the limo, he didn't realize they already arrived at the house. He looked out the window and was shocked to no end. Here we are.

Decided to update since it's surprisingly been a good week so far. Hope it's the same for you☺️

Thanks for reading! 🤍

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