🤍Chapter 48💠

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"Anyone peep where Seokmin and Jisoo went?" Jihoon shook his head. "Last I saw, they were on the dance floor, then they were at the bar, and then they left. Why? Somethin happened?"

Wonwoo chuckled. "Oh baby, we don't have to worry about them." Hoshi shook his head. "The good Christian boy has succumbed to unholiness. I'm shook." Wonwoo chuckled and nudged him.

"I see Seokmin took my jar." Hoshi turned to him and folded his arms. "Now look lil boy, I'm taking your jars next time you pull some trifling shit like that." Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "My shit works, bitch. You just don't want one."

"Um, ladies, I'd hate to interrupt your filming of Real Housewives right now, but look who the fuck just walked in." The duo turned to see where Seungkwan pointed, and saw Bada walk in, wearing a sultry costume.

Hoshi put his wine glass down. "Ain't no police in this area is it? Cause I'm bout to body her." Jihoon laughed and held his wife. "Don't make no rash decisions, baby."

"Nah he right. I wanna beat that lil girl ass, too. And her daddy ain't here to save her," Wonwoo said.

  "There's other people in here who lowkey be kissing Jinyoung's ass. We do anything to his daughter, off with our heads," Seungkwan said.

"Damn. Never thought the ass would say something that made sense." Seungkwan kicked at Wonwoo. "You owe me a fight, bitch."

  "This. This is exactly how I thought tonight would go." Seokmin and Jisoo were currently on Seokmin's bed, kissing away. Seokmin was hovering over the older, letting the passion take over completely.

   "I've n-never felt this feeling before," Jisoo said. Seokmin smirked. "Well let me make you feel good, boo." He started kissing down the elder's neck, causing him to emit some noises.

   Seokmin then bit down on a very sensitive spot on his neck, causing the older to let out a high pitched moan. Seokmin smirked against his neck, attacking that spot.

   "D-DK." Seokmin pulled away. Then he looked Jisoo in his eyes. "I'll continue only if you're comfortable, baby." Jisoo looked at him, and nodded. "I actually w-want this."

   Seokmin smiled and nodded. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be pressured." Jisoo pulled him down and kissed him. "Yes, DK. I'm positive." Seokmin smiled. "Yea I know now. You didn't stutter."

    Jisoo chuckled and the couple went back to kissing. Jisoo then reached for the younger's jacket, tugging at it. Seokmin got the memo and took it off, throwing it to the floor.

He then took the time to take the older's costume off as well, throwing it on the floor. Jisoo was left in only fishnets. "You really outdid yourself this time huh?" Jisoo chuckled. "Only for you, baby."

"I think he's here. He should be." Chaerin walked up to the gate, holding food and other goods. It was supposed to be delivered, but Younghyun had the night off for various reasons. As well as Ailee. So here she is.

She walked inside, after putting in her passcode and ID. She placed the stuff on the table, wondering where the couple were. "Seokmin! Sweetheart, where are you?!" No response.

She walked upstairs and looked around to see where her son could possibly be. Then she stopped in front of one of the rooms.

She didn't hear anything, but that's what prompted her to open the door. And when she did, she saw something she wish she didn't.

"Mama, what are you doing here?!" Chaerin covered her eyes. "Thought you got kidnapped. You and baby baby over here went awol and your father was looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Chaerin nodded. "Yea. It had something to do with a meeting coming up that determines if this big boss wants to invest on our company."

Seokmin nodded, thinking about what Jinyoung spoke to him about earlier. "Plus I brought food. Cause I had my suspicions that this...is what happened. Anyways, see you tomorrow!"

Seoksoo looked at each other. Then they started laughing. "Your m-mother is a queen," Jisoo said. Seokmin shrugged. "We been knew that though." They cuddled back up to each other, enjoying each other's company for the rest of the night.

Yea I think I might end her on chapter 50 or something of that nature.

Depends on my mood. Might not. Guess we'll see💞🥰

Thanks for reading!💠

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