🤍Chapter 52 💠

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   "Hanbin! A word, please?" Said man walked to his ex-bestfriend's office. "I don't have all day, Jinyoung. What gives?" Jinyoung sat down at his desk. Yoona stood by his side. "I called you here to propose something."

  "And what's that? You do know I don't even bother to be in the same room as you." Jinyoung chuckled, pushing his glasses up. "We have looked passed that incident, Bin. But this is important."

Yoona spoke up. "Since your son has given our company a bad place in ranks, in order for them to rise, he must marry our daughter. For the good of the company."

    "I refuse to make my son marry for anything other than love. And that doesn't correlate anyhow. What does them marrying have to do with the company name?"

    Jinyoung leaned up. "Everything. Think about it: the company, or your son's weak heart?" Hanbin stood up. "Don't you EVER, call my son weak in ANY way or form!"

    Jinyoung then stood up. "Think about it, Hanbin! This company was built from our bare hands since age 17! And we're gonna throw all that away??" Hanbin looked at him. "My son deserves to be happy."

    Jinyoung sighed. "Bin, I'm coming to you as a man. This is the only thing that's important right now. Your son will be alright with it." Hanbin shook his head. "No."

"Hanbin. We can't give all this up now." Hanbin refused to let his son be put through such. But this company is what made him who he is today. He didn't have much choice.

  "Very well. Seokmin will be engaged." Jinyoung smiled. "Knew you'd make the right choice, my friend." Hanbin walked out of the office. He looked to his son, sighing in defeat. "So sorry, my son."

  "Dad, please say you're joking!" Hanbin just explained the situation to Seokmin, who just learned that he has to marry that she bat bitch from hell.

Hanbin shook his head. "I know, son. But apparently the greater good of this company is on the line. According to that Jinyoung, I can't let that go to pass."

Seokmin bit his jaw. "Well, I hope you're happy with your decision. Even though it dictates my life. I thought you were someone I can run to and trust in, dad."

"Seokmin, son, please-" "It's evident your company matters more than me. I'll let you have it." He walked out. Hanbin put his head in his hands. Chaerin walked in, overhearing everything.

"Hey, baby. I heard the entire conversation." She walked over to his desk, kissing his head and rubbing his back. "Am I doing what's right, Chae?" Chaerin laid her head on his shoulder. "I'll always believe in you, love."


"I can't believe it! Seokmin is finally all mine!" Bada was currently in a happy mood, glad that she finally had Seokmin all to herself. Yoona smiled at her daughter.

   "Everything is finally being played out for us, dear. After being placed in the background for all these years, and all this time, we'll finally get everything we deserve." Oh you have no fuckin idea.

    Jinyoung walked in. "My beautiful ladies. Are you ready for what's to come?" Yoona walked up to her husband. "It's all finally paying off, darling. I can't wait until he announces the agreement."

   "And I'll finally get to be with Seokmin! This is what I've always wanted!" Jinyoung smiled at his daughter, walking up to her.

"Everything will always pan out for you, baby. I shall be sure to make that happen. Now, let's go get ready for the party tonight."

   "I don't believe-" Jisoo and Seokmin were sitting in his office, and Jisoo just found out of the arrangements made between Bada and Seokmin. He just learned that his one love has apparently been sold to marry that witch of a bitch.

   "Fucked up beyond reason," Seokmin said, fuming with anger. Jisoo looked at him. "I should be m-mad that you c-cussed, but I'm j-just as mad as you." Seokmin wanted to cry.

    Out of instinct, Jisoo pulled him into his arms. "I don't l-like this anymore than y-you do, b-but I also can't be the r-reason your company loses l-light." Seokmin looked up at the elder.

    "Soo, when will you realize that I don't give a fuck about this company anymore?" Jisoo shook his head. "Baby d-don't say that."

"But it's true, Soo. I don't care about any of this. All I wanted was to make my dad proud and show him I can handle responsibility. I didn't ask for anything else to happen to anyone and specifically not to you. You didn't deserve any of the things that happened to you. And I feel personally responsible and guilty that this al happened to you."

   Seokmin took the elder's hands. "Soo, ever since you walked in here, things were better for me than ever before. You showed me a different view on things, how to remain uppity no matter how fucked this shit really is, and even helped us get investments that the Queen of the south couldn't even hack. All for it, to be wasted because of an obsessive bitch."

    "Minnie, a-anyone could've made a-all this happen." Seokmin shook his head. "Not even my dad could make this happen. Soo you hold a different kind of power. Trust and believe me."

Jisoo sighed. "I didn't m-mean all this bad s-stuff to happen. I d-don't even know why s-she hates me s-so much-" Seokmin shut the older up with a kiss.

"Jisoo, I'm not gonna keep explaining this to you. Everything has a purpose, and in order to get to the beauty of it, you gotta endure the ugly. That includes people as well. She's just a sad sack with no morals that can't accept the fact that she's not at my level or heart to have me. But you, you surpassed that. And that's why I choose you."

Jisoo almost had tears prick from his eyes. "I t-taught you so well, b-baby." Seokmin smiled and kissed him once more.

Well what the hell? It's not the last chapter after all🥰 y'all gonna love the ending I promise💞

Thank you for reading!💠

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