🤍Chapter 17💠

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   "Ahh yes! A day of leisure! I fucking love it!" Josh, Wonwoo, Seungkwan, and Hoshi all were granted a day of leave from the company. Of course they're gonna take advantage of it.

    Josh hit Wonwoo on the arm. "What have I told you about swearing?!" Wonwoo chuckled. "Sorry, mom." They all laughed.

  "Y'all, let's go in there." Soonyoung pointed to an Indie shop. "Does look cozy. I'm in!" Seungkwan said.

   They all went inside. Josh looked around, eyeing the different types of aesthetics in outfits that were out. Everything ranged from cottage core, grunge, art hoe, light academia, and so much more.

    "Josh hyung! Come here!" He walked over to where Wonwoo was. He looked up at him. "I believe I have found your aesthetic." He eyed the fit Wonwoo was holding. Josh looked in amusement.

   "It's cute. But, are you sure it's made for someone like me?" Wonwoo chuckled. "Hyung you're cute. Anyways, you're gonna go try these on."

   Josh took the outfits from Wonwoo. "Trust me. I deal with Seungkwan on the weekends. I know how this goes."

    Josh shook his head and walked to the changing room. Here goes nothing he thought.


    "What did I tell you? He's whipped for him!" DK was out with all the department chairs, erasing responsibility from their day for once. It wasn't anything business related. And I guess that's why everyone's chill.

   "DK, just make the move already man. I can almost assure you that he feels the same," Mingyu said, sipping his strawberry champagne. DK was in deep thought. Could that be true? Or is he just in over his head again? I guess we'll never know.

   "Just do what I did! Look, I took Seungkwan out 2 months after he started working at the company. Just my luck, he was one of the love at first sight ones. And it was the best thing that ever happened to the both of us," Hansol said.

   "Or, hear me out: take him somewhere you deem special, that nobody else has even heard of, or been. When you're comfortable, confess. It'll be a sweet gesture, hinting at another sweet gesture," Jihoon said, eating his lobster tail.

    DK sat back. "Those all sound cool and all, but, how would I actually know that things would go well?" They shrugged. "You don't. That must be the thrill of it all," Mingyu said.

    So many options. So many choices. What was he gonna do? That's when it hit DK. "Wow. I know exactly what to do now. Thanks a lot, guys."

   "Eh, no worries. Now, is it possible to get some refills? On food, that is. They did something with that king crab and I love it," Jihoon said. DK shook his head at his hyung, and continued to eat.

   "Wonwoo, darling, I'm not sure if I wanna kill you, or thank you. Because I freaking love it." Josh was having 50 fucking relays in his head. What the fuck?

   "Told you guys

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   "Told you guys. This man screams art hoe." Soonyoung then added a citrine crystal necklace to it. "Now that's fucking perfect. You're definitely getting this one."

    Five outfits more, and the group of business friends left the store. Even though they all got their own things, of course. "I'll pay for food this time round," Soonyoung said.


   "Yes, unnie. They just left the Indie store. I believe they're heading to get food now." The mysterious woman trailed them once more. Unbeknownst to her, she was being watched by two people as well.

"She will not win this one, monsiour. We can assure you. And they're all leaving now. They're still in our sights."

   "Excellent. Keep an eye on her. But more importantly, keep on an eye on him. We need to work diligently and discreetly." "Yes, monsiour." He hung up and trailed them both.

"Honey, we don't sleep. It be 4 a.m by Melanie Fiona, and we will still be up. And we literally do nothing! But I guess that's the best part," Seungkwan said.

  "Good for you. Jihoon and I do music sessions, with a side of weed. I say it's the best thing ever invented. Therapeutic and calming. The best shit ever," Soonyoung said, sipping his peach moscato.

    "These are all sweet, but I'm not certain that DK feels that way about me." The other three looked at each other, then proceeded to laugh out loud. "Hyung, say sike. Right now!" Wonwoo said.

   "Hyung, Seokmin spells the word whipped in every language for you. If I do say so myself. I've never seen him this happy, healthy and ready to take on responsibility in my 25 years of life," Soonyoung said.

   Josh sat back. "Well, he does like to tease sometimes. But I only see it in a friendly manner. But I could be wrong." "No fucking clue what you just signed, but yes," Seungkwan said, tearing up his jambalaya.

    Josh thought about it. He did feel a type of way about DK, but he couldn't bring himself to think about making the first move.

    "Be patient, hyung. Things will pan out exactly the way you want them to. Trust me." Josh nodded at Wonwoo's words, then proceeded to eat his food.

👀👀👀 boy this bullshit hot today boy. Might upload again, or leave you...we'll see🥰

Thanks for reading! 🤍

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