🤍Chapter 43💠

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"It's the married couple of the house! Eeee!" Jisoo turned to see Hoshi and Woozi walking in together, and it was the curtest thing ever.

   "Despite bullshit literally being birthed all the time here, there are sweet moments like this that make me not wanna commit unalive," Wonwoo said, drawing his sketch.

"You read my mind," Seungkwan said. Wonwoo pushed up his glasses. "That's what I do."

Jisoo got his iPad, looking over the upcoming schedule. "Okay, so the m-meeting with Bae industries is tomorrow, a-and the flight departs around 9-9 a.m. Noted."

    Jae then walked in, looking out of it. Jisoo took notice. "I'm not even g-gonna ask." Jae shook his head. "Don't. Anyways, auntie said that she's gonna be late coming home this evening so you're in charge of food."

    Jisoo rolled his eyes. "She been l-late for the last week! W-what is she fucking?" "I don't know but apparently they doing they job right." He carried on with work.

     Jisoo then decided to walk to Seokmin's office, seeing the younger sitting at his desk, kinda exhausted. He saw Jisoo and instantly lit up. "Hey, darling." Jisoo smiled and walked inside.

  "The police bout to b-be on your ass like white on rice," Jisoo said. Wonwoo scoffed. "That's nothing I've never heard before. If they ain't caught me by now, they can keep it."

So, apparently, Wonwoo told Jisoo about the hex he placed on Bada. That's why she's been getting those headaches and been quiet lately. Not that Jisoo was complaining, but he didn't wanna catch a case, nor did he want his friends to catch one either.

   "Not that I'm c-complaining, but seriously! We're not g-going to jail for you!" Wonwoo chuckled.

   "Hyung, the best part about the craft: your traces are gone. Them heffas won't be able to catch you!" Jisoo shook his head, wondering how or what this man got away with other than this.

   "Hmm. Well this is g-gonna be so much fun." Wonwoo pat his back. "Think about it. We all get a break from her bullshit. And we get to save our company! It's a win-win." "Bullshit, W-Wonwoo."

Hoshi then walks over. "Well, this is certainly something. I walk in and learn that they ran little miss bitch to the hospital." Jisoo turned to him. "Oh forreal? I w-wonder what triggered them to." He turned to Wonwoo.

   Wonwoo chuckled lightly. "I actually may have added just a lil bit extra to that hex." Hoshi gave him a deadpan look.

   "Now I tried to told you, to STOP DOING THOSE!" Wonwoo shrugged. "Alexa, play I Can't Stop Me by Twice."

   "I really don't know what else to do, and this is quite tiring. But aye, stay in the bag, I guess." Seungcheol and Jeonghan were sitting in the older's office. Seol was out handling things for the monsieur.

    "It won't be long before things get back to the way they were. And I'm positive you've heard about Yoona's daughter." Seungcheol nodded. "It's what she deserves."

    Jeonghan rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Oh baby, if anything, we've had our fair share of meeting death. I don't think it's nice to wish it upon someone, even if they're a spawn of satan."

    Seungcheol chuckled and nodded. "You're right, honey. But, after all the shit she's done? It's hard to even grieve if something even happens to her. I wouldn't even care if she kicked the bucket. She tried to kill people we care for. Hell, she tried to kill me."

    "You do have a point. And therefore, you have every right to dance on her grave if it comes to it." Seungcheol laughed at that. Jeonghan spoke again. "I'm a forgiving person. But as the saying goes, you reap what you sow."

    Seungcheol nodded. "Yes. And she reapeth. And I'm honestly hoping that she suffers more and more by the day. This is what I hope happens to her. Because it's what she deserves for being such a foul person." Jeonghan sighed. "Well, you ain't wrong about that."

    Seungcheol then turned around to face Jeonghan. "I'm just glad that you been by my side this entire time." Jeonghan kissed him. "Forever and always, baby. Now, what we eating? Seol asked that an hour ago." Seungcheol chuckled and shook his head. "Let's go get something."


    "Yay! I forgot what pizza tastes like!" Jisoo said to hell with cooking, and ordered pizzas for everyone. Strategy, he calls it.

   "I forgot pizza was a thing. I've been so used to McDonald's I've forgotten what a lot of things were," Jae said. Dino snorted. "Hyung, shut up." After an hour, Miya walked in, dazed and confused about life. Jae took notice and folded his arms.

    "Miss ma'am, we need to have a talk." She looked at them and rolled her eyes. "None of your concern." Dino nodded. "Yep. She definitely fucking with something." He stole another slice of pizza.

Hmm seeing that Halloween is next Sunday, I might do a Halloween party chapter....decisions, decisions🥰

I'm also very upset about losing my nose ring but another one can't hurt I guess🙄

Thanks for reading!🤍

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