🤍Chapter 21💠

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   "What do you want, little girl?" Bada chuckled. "I want you, to tell me who you're working with, what for, and where I can find them." Seungcheol glared at the young woman.

   "And why the fuck would I tell you that?" She stood up and walked to him. "Because if you don't, your beloved husband gets to kick the bucket a bit early." She turned on the monitor, and there sat Jeonghan, sitting unconscious in a cold, cellar-like room.

The scene broke Seungcheol. He turned back to Bada. "I won't tell you shit, little girl. I don't care what you gotta do to me." She smirked at that. "So you wanna play it the hard way. Got it."

   Seungcheol scoffed. "How dense are you, bitch! It's game over! Get over yourself! Like what do you want so bad?!" Bada turned to him. "Seokmin. His empire. And that assistant gone for good. But you didn't hear that from me."

   Seungcheol gave a deadpan look. "You are the dictionary definition of delusional. Your stupidity is so astronomical, it defies gravity. I never thought I would see the human embodiment of such."

    She started laughing. "Baby you can't stop me." Seungcheol then looked up in realization. Then he wore a smirk. "Oh, but I actually can." He put his hands in his pockets, and pressed a button he kept for situations like these.

    Within 20 seconds, the door burst open. "Fuckin knew you were bad news, bitch!" Seungkwan, Vernon, Soonyoung and Jihoon walked in. What's better is, Chaerin also followed suit.

   "You! I should've known!" Chaerin screeched. Bada looked in shock. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." Seungkwan put his hand on his hip. "You been bad news bitch since the last 2 years. Should've known you were crazy beyond retention."

    "I was simply stating a case. I am the rightful heir to this empire! Everyone knows it!" Soonyoung clapped his hands. "Congrats, Bada. You've singlehandedly taken the crown of clowns." Jihoon snickered.

   "Why can't we just arrest her?" Hansol asked. "Because my daughter isn't going anywhere." Everyone turned to see Jinyoung, standing there with a loaded gun. Seungkwan looked at him. "Let's stay sane, shall we?"

  "Mannnn, I told you. All y'all had to do was let me get my left hook when she came back!" Hansol wrapped an arm around Seungkwan. "Honey, forget that. Where's Seoksoo?" Just their luck, the pair walked in.

   "Seokmin, when I say we missed a shit show," Mingyu started. Seokmin held his hand up. "I'm so over it. She's gonna get what's coming to her. And I can't wait for it to end her."

    "I usually don't wish death or any bad things on anyone, for that matter, but this bitch is trying it," Jisoo signed out. Seungkwan gasped. "Stop cussing!" Jisoo shook his head, smiling. "I see you're fluent now."

    Hanbin walked in, looking at everyone. "Is everything okay?" They all answered yes in some form or fashion and went back to work. Hanbin pulled DK to the side. "What is going on here?" DK sighed. "I'll explain later." He walked to his office.

    Jisoo was seated at the front side of the desk. Seokmin went and sat in his respective seat. He put his head in his hands. Jisoo noticed the distress and instantly went to his rescue. He started rubbing on his back.

   Seokmin raised his head and looked at him. "Wow you really are something, Josh." Jisoo tilted his head. "Why you say that, DK?" Seokmin giggled. "No matter how fucked up a situation is, you remain sane. Calm, even. How?"

   Jisoo shrugged. "Coping mechanism, I guess. I don't let it get to me. It helps with plenty of things. You should try it sometime." Seokmin put his hands down. "I wish, darling. I really do wish I could."

    "After all that shit that happened earlier, and sis walks around like nothing happened. This shit is biting at me right now," Seungkwan whispered to Wonwoo. Wonwoo took a sip of his lemon water.

   "I'm just waiting for my hex to work. I'm getting pretty tired of her right now." Jisoo then walked over with Soonyoung, sitting at the table. "Don't mind my face. I'm upset," Soonyoung said. They chuckled.

   "Got every reason to be, honey. You're more calm than me I can guarantee that," Seungkwan said. Soonyoung looked at Wonwoo. He read him and realized something. "Bitch, you put a hex on her?" Wonwoo smirked. "You know I did."

  Jisoo was still. Too still. He wasn't even signing out random things. The poor boy had so much shit going on that he zoned out and didn't even realize it til 10 seconds after. "Earth to Jisoo! Hello!" He finally snapped out of it.

   "Damn, ma. Is it some button we gotta push to jump start you?" Wonwoo asked. Jisoo shook his head. "I'm overthinking. Overwhelmed. To sum it up, I'm tired. I need another day of leisure or something."

   Soonyoung scoffed. "Baby we all need that. Except replace shopping with just Netflix and some weed, and we got a done deal." Jisoo gave Hoshi a look. "No weed." He shrugged. "To you."

   Suddenly, a loud noise boomed through the cafeteria. "What the hell?!" Jisoo turned to see what was going. He turned back around. "What do you think that was?" Wonwoo pulled his glasses down. "Y'all heard of karma?"

I'm just honestly waiting to see the reactions of what's coming next haha.

Buckle ya seatbelts. Sis gon be a head turner. Plus it's Wednesday. Y'all know what it do👀

Thank you for reading! 🤍

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