🤍Chapter 7💠

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"Ahh, so you finally met him, huh? Your new assistant?" Seokmin was sitting in his father's office, discussing business and personal ventures.

"Yes I have, father. He's an excellent choice. He's very sharp and stays on top of things. Everything that's needed in an assistant."

  "Well then, I'm glad that you are satisfied with such," Hanbin said. Chaerin was also there, getting ready to head out for the day. "And I heard, through a lil bird that he's a beauty indeed." Seokmin shook his head. Damn it, Hansol.

    Hanbin chuckled. "She's a wonderful piece of work." Seokmin then checked his watch, showing that it was time to go back to his schedule. "I'm off, father. I'll get Younghyun hyung to get me where I need be." Hanbin nodded at that. "Be safe, son."


    Jisoo, on the other hand, was having the time of his life with Wonwoo. "He's the sweetest to ever be here and I never thought you'd get that in a soon to be CEO. My goodness, he's such a gentleman." Wonwoo chuckled.

  "Well, looks like somebody is indeed whipped for the crown prince of the company. It was the same way with Mingyu and I."

Jisoo turned to him. "Wait, you and Mingyu are together?" Wonwoo put his coffee down.

  "Indeed. When I first started working here, he was the same way. Charming, sweet, not as cutthroat as the other head chairs. And he always made sure that if he had it, I had it, too. It made me love my job even more."

Jisoo listened intently, finding it intriguing that such actions happened in such short time. He wasn't one to fall quick for people, but this man was a different breed. To him, at least.

"That's such a sweet story. Meanwhile, I'm still struggling to believe in love. But I feel as if I'm not far from it." Wonwoo chuckled. "I didn't believe either. But he proved that it's real. And that's what did it for me."

   Jisoo smiled. "That's so beautiful." After their little heart to heart, they headed back up, and went back to work.

    Jisoo walked back into Seokmin's office, holding completed material. "All ready for the next meeting, DK." Seokmin looked in amusement. "You really are one of the sharpest assistants I've ever had."

    Jisoo blushed at that, and then bowed and walked out, heading to the restroom. "I really need to sort out my priorities."

    He splashed some water in his face. "Excuse me, are you alright?" He whipped around and saw a man who had a cat face. His nails were painted a crimson red and he had on something more comfortable instead of casual.

  "I'm quite alright

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  "I'm quite alright. Just...got a bit hot. Thanks for asking-" From the looks of it, he understood that simply because he realized.

  "Oh, my manners. I'm Soonyoung, I'm known around here as Hoshi. I'm Jihoon's personal assistant. And it does get a bit warm in this building, but we cope by keeping cups of ice."

  "I'll keep that in mind." "Might be best, darling." He walked out of the restroom. Jisoo looked in the mirror. "Everyone's friendly. Nothing can go wrong. Right?"

   "Jisoo! I didn't expect for you to be here after work hours." He turned to Seokmin, who just walked in the kitchen after work. Then went back to work.

   Seokmin saw Jisoo stocking up his fridge, placing the towels on the racks, and he also cleaned the countertops, trash bins, and floor, spotless. He also prepared a dinner of fried chicken, teokkbeoki, kimchi soup, and peach tea to drink.

    Who is this man, my wife?, Seokmin thought. "Had to finish up last minute things. Hope you don't mind, DK." Seokmin chuckled, admiring the boy's persistence. "It's no problem at all. Thank you for this, Soo." Jisoo smiled and nodded.

He started getting his stuff, putting the remaining ingredients up in the cupboards, fridge and even the stove. Seokmin was speechless at his persistence. Yep, definitely, he thought.

   He prepared to leave but then Seokmin stopped him. "Wait. At least eat something before you leave. Wouldn't want you to leave on an empty stomach." Jisoo was hesitant, but he ate something just to please him.

"Thank you, DK. I'll be going now." Seokmin wore a sad face, but nodded and saw him out. "Please be safe. Better yet, do you want me to call Younghyun hyung? Or if anything, should you stay here for the night?" Jisoo shook his head no. "I'll be fine. Promise." With that, he walked off.

Seokmin made sure all the locks were set and that everything was off. He tried to get himself ready for tomorrow, but his mind kept on the mute boy. "He's an adorable one. What are you doing to me, Jisoo?"

It's Saturday so expect a lot of updates hehe☺️

Thank you for reading!🤍

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