🤍Chapter 16💠

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  "My two favorite people!" Seoksoo walked inside Love Bomb Enterprises, one of the most booked and busiest companies in Korea.

  They base their products in cosmetics, spiritualism and things of holistic nature. Man, the flex.

   Josh was mesmerized. "Like what you see, doll?" He nodded. "Feel free to look around and find whatever you like!" Josh was so immersed and distracted. He walked over to one of the candles.

   "Oh my gosh! It's blueberry cheesecake, my favorite scent!" Yeeun chuckled at the cute mute boy. "I'll be sure to send you a lifetime shipment of it soon." Josh looked at Yeeun. "You can do that? How? With what money?"

    DK and Yeeun giggled at the cute boy. "Hyung, Yeeun noona owns this company. Why else would we be here today without appointment?" Josh dropped his jaw. "Well I feel foolish." They chuckled at him.

"That's a beautiful blue rock." Josh picked it up, admiring its shimmer and shine. "Ah, that would be a sodalite crystal, hyung." He looked up at who was talking to him. "It's rather pretty."

"It is indeed, very pretty. It helps with sleep. I'd recommend it to you," the employee said. Josh looked at the stone. He did feel a bit drawn to it.

"I'll take it." What he didn't know, was that a certain somebody was watching him the entire time. He's so adorable, DK thought.

He then walked back over to the siblings. He kept looking around the company. "I can honestly say I love it here."

DK nodded. "Knew you would. For the record, Yeeun, where's my free candles?" Yeeun pat her brother on the shoulder.

"In ya rent." DK looked in betrayal. "And you're supposed to be my sister." Yeeun squished his cheeks. "Love you too, bro." They carried on with their day.

"She's after him? No. She can't be! Why is she even out of jail?!" Seungcheol was getting furious. He, Jeonghan, and Seol were sitting in his office.

   "I'm not sure. Feel as if it has something to do with she who must not be named. But I do know that she needs to be put back," Jeonghan said. Seungcheol shook his head.

   "We can't let her win. Not today. I don't get paid enough for this shit. Now whatever we gotta do to get rid of her, let's do it."

    Seol walked to Jeonghan. "Well, seeing that I used to deal with her, I may have some ways to get rid of her." Jeonghan looked at Seol.

   "Look, kid. We learned that you're not anything like your sister, hence why you're with us now. Just don't give me faulty information that'll make matters worse."

   Seol nodded. "I can promise you that I don't want to be anything like that. I'm just ashamed we share blood. But I can assure you that my information is helpful."

    Jeonghan nodded. "We counting on you, kid. Don't let us down." Seol nodded, taking his words to head. She then walked out and pulled out her phone.

After a few rings, someone picked up. "How's it going with the task? Got sights on em?" She asked. "Of course, Seol. We haven't let him out of our sights yet."

   "Excellent. Remember, this is all for the greater good." She hung up. "Here we go."

Booty so big (work) Lord, HAVE MERCY! It's been in my head forgive me y'all 💀

Also, do y'all have an inkling about who's tracking Josh? Or do you give up yet? Guess we'll never know ❤️

Thanks for reading!💠

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