🤍Chapter 49💠

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   "Well well well. Looks like I wasn't the only one that got lucky last night!" Jisoo and Seokmin walked inside the building. Wonwoo, being the witchy bitch that he is, noticed them first. And of course, he just had to bring that up.

   "Just love how you singlehandedly k-know everything." Wonwoo chuckled. "It's me, honey. I find out things." Soonhoon then walked in, high as ever. Jisoo took instant notice and shook his head.

"Didn't I tell you to p-put that devil lettuce down?" Hoshi let out a few giggles, causing Jihoon to do the same. "Lettuce? Shits disgusting. I'd prefer spinach on my salad." "Same."

    "I swear this was all J-Jae hyung's fault," Jisoo said. Wonwoo scoffed. "I think we all knew that. He is the one who got 16 grams out of nowhere." "Amazing, right?" Seungkwan said.

"Seokmin! A word?" Seokmin turned to see his father gesturing him to come to the office. Seokmin gave Jisoo a quick kiss. "I'll be back." Jisoo nodded and went to his office.

   "Scale of 1-10, how good was it?" Wonwoo asked. Jisoo smacked his arm. "For m-me to know, and none of y-your business."

Hoshi snorted. "Definitely code for break my scale. And my back." Jisoo rolled his eyes. "Talk to me when you a-ain't high."

"Dad, this is a big deal! This determines if they'll invest!" Hanbin nodded. "Precisely, son. Which is why the company is counting on you to sell this pitch."

   Seokmin put his head in his hands. "I won't let you down, dad. I can do this. Trust me." Hanbin sat back in his chair. "Seokmin, ever since you've taken over, we've been rolling when it comes to investments.

    "And I'm quite positive that I can keep that stride, dad." Hanbin nodded. "I'm counting on you, son. This investment can change our lives. Don't let me down."

Seokmin nodded. "I won't let you down, dad." He walked out of his office, going to his own. "Dear Lord I hope nothing gets worse." "Baby that's a p-phrase you don't wanna say."

   Seokmin turned to Jisoo. "You right. I should stay up and positive so things play out well." Jisoo smiled and laid his head on his shoulder. "We'll be o-okay. We've been racking in, h-haven't we?"

    "True. I just hope and pray nothing bad happens." Jisoo turned his face towards him. "Now w-what did I just say?" "I'm sorry babe." Jisoo shook his head and kissed him.


    "Hmm, it won't be long. The meeting is next week. Obviously things will be alright." "We don't know that for sure, Cheol. And for all we know, that Bada girl has a handle out."

"I forgot all about her. Ever since you told me to be forgiving, I really said forgive and forget. Forgot all about that bitch." Jeonghan smacked his head. "Oh stop it."

Seol walked in. "Mama? Dad? Hwasa and Wheein said that the meeting will take place at the grand lodge in Malaysia. That's a flight that no one really wants to book."

Seungcheol shook his head. "Don't think we're going. That's why they're going. And that'll determine everything." Seol nodded, taking note of that.

   "I'm just ready to throw them under the jail," Jeonghan said. Seungcheol sighed. "Soon, honey. Real soon."

"Seokmin, may I see you in my office please?" Bada smirked at the older. Seokmin rolled his eyes. "No you can't." Ignoring his word, she walked up to him, smiling.

"Please, Seokmin. I can treat you so much better than anyone else can. I just want a chance." Seokmin politely moved her out of the way.

"Ma'am, let me be crystal clear. Get this shit straight, cause I'm not. I'm not interested in someone who's basically causing the breakdown of my company, discomfort of my friends, and threatened to kill my family. Good day."

Bada gasped, looking in shock. "I-what?" "Don't play dumb. Even though you don't be playing. You know what I meant. Your father can explain how he held a damn gun to my mom's head." With that, he walked off.

Bada turned away and walked back in her office. "And I wished he pulled that trigger. But don't worry. If he won't willingly marry me and be with me, it'll have to happen by force. And I know just how to go about it."

This when the grand finale starts. I think. I don't know. What do you think?

Yea y'all gon be mind blown with this one. I hope. I believe so. Guess we'll never know~

Anyways I'm trying to keep an uppity mood since I'm in a very depressive state, and writing uplifts me so I keep doing it☺️ just wanna smile again for once🥺

Thank you for reading!🤍

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