🤍Chapter 28💠

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Previously on Isn't It Lovely/Seoksoo fanfic:

"I-I was bullied for the most m-menial things." "Don't ever let anyone quiet you down again. You have a voice and it needs to be heard." Seokmin started to lean in, and Jisoo started moving forward. In a moments notice, they kissed each other on the lips.

"Wow. You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that, Soo." Jisoo giggled and looked down. "B-believe it or not, s-so have I." Seokmin smiled.

"I-I just thought y-you weren't i-interested, and n-now, looking b-back, I was a b-but foolish." Seokmin shook his head. "Josh, I have to admit: you were a bit oblivious."

Jisoo shook his head and chuckled out of embarrassment. "I know. But y-you can't blame m-me. I h-have attachment i-issues. I need some r-reassurance in some t-things. And j-jumping to conclusions d-don't usually end well."

   Seokmin shrugged. Then proceeded to wrap his arms around the older. "Well, I can understand why. But I've made it rather obvious that I am indeed, head over heels for you. And you've given me every reason to be."

    Jisoo looked at him. "Didn't know I h-had that much p-power." Seokmin chuckled. "Believe me when I say, you do. More than what you know."

   They stayed there, enjoying each other's company for a few more hours, not worrying about what else is going on. They liked it that way, in their own little world. They just hoped it could stay that way forever.

"What I missed? You seem happier than usual and you ain't complained about me cussing for the last hour. What gives?" Jae asked Jisoo. They were currently fixing up the dinner table.

"T-today has been g-good to me." Jae dropped the plates and looked at Jisoo in shock. "Hyung! You dropped the plates!" Dino went to clean up what was dropped. "D-don't bother that, D-Dino. I'll clean it."

Dino dropped what he picked up and looked back at his hyung. "Dude, you talked. You talked you can freaking talk now?!" Jisoo giggled, once again triggering the other two.

   Jae folded his arms. "Seokmin definitely gave you the good good. Ain't no way you just up and talk like that."

Jisoo rolled his eyes and cleaned up the shattered plates. "H-he gave me something, b-but not that. Yet." He threw the mess in the trash. "Mmhmm. That yet don't sit well in my spirit." Soon enough, Aunt Miya walked in.

"What's happening? Why did I hear glass falling?" Jae looked at her. "Your nephew been talking all day and I'm officially done on proving my hypothesis that not all men suck."

Aunt Miya looked at Jisoo with shocked eyes. "Is it true? You been talking again?" He nodded. "Y-yes, auntie. It's true. And it m-may have something to d-do with my boss." She shook her head and hugged him.

"Thank every higher power. I was getting rather worried that you wouldn't speak ever again." Jisoo shrugged. "That was the in-intention at first. B-but DK helped m-me out of my shell a b-bit."

Miya held her chest. "If you don't marry him, I will." Jisoo chuckled and pushed her off. He continued on with the evening activities of making food and of course, keeping the kitchen clean.

"Guys! C-come and eat!" "I'm feeding Maia! She's a hungry one." Jae walked back in. "Mmhmm she a pregnant one, too." Jisoo gave Jae a look of aggravation. "Not possible unless t-there's a male cat p-present." Jae shrugged.

"After seeing that female shark get pregnant without a dude, who knows what other animals gonna pop up with the same thing?" Jisoo brushed him off and fed everyone.

"It finally happened?!" Seokmin made the most utter mistake of telling his sister of what happened earlier that day. And now the woman was jumping up and down like she won another lottery.

"And I wasn't there?! Blasphemy!" Seokmin chuckled and shook his head at his sister. "Girl, you might as well be president of the freakin fandom by now." Yeeun looked at him. "I'm not?"

"Dear God." They walked inside their parents' house. "My favorite children!" Chaerin yelled, running to them. "We ya only children, eomma." She waved them off. "Same difference."

Hanbin noticed something between the pair. "Alright what's going on here?" They looked at their parents. "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. I'm just starving," Seokmin said.

"Same. Last thing I had was a bag of chips. If I remember correctly," Yeeun said. Chaerin looked at her. "Darling, you have assistants who get things like food, for you." Yeeun shrugged. "Eh, I don't be having an appetite until the end of the day anyway."

"Here you are, sir Hanbin." The woman placed the food on the table, along with the various options of wine. "Thank you very much, Ailee. You may have the rest of the evening off." She bowed and left the room.

Seokmin was eating, yet his quietness worried everyone else. But he paid it no mind. He was happy. Happier than he's ever been in a long while. Little did he know, that all of it was about to change.

I'm so messy I just put them through enough angst😩 or did I? By the way, it's Wednesday. Y'all know what it do💜

Hmm I'll try to be harmless as possible 💕 also I saw that I reached over 700 reads! Thanks a bunch y'all!💞

Thanks you for reading!💠

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