🤍Chapter 38💠

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   "Oh my God. This is so weird." "Not surprised. We're weird." The family were in a good mood, enjoying each other's company. They didn't have a chance to do such with the busy schedules that's going on in everyone's life and such.

    "Jisoo, Seokmin says that you are top tier when it comes to business. And by that we mean that you do your job at a godly level," Hanbin said. Jisoo smiled and shyly looked away. "Well, I'm g-good with it because it h-helps me remain c-calm."

    "It take me 20 minutes to try to take out garbage," Yeeun said. Seokmin put his head in his hand. "This woman," he mumbled.

    "Wow. I don't know if it's evident yet, but my children are absolutely lazy. So, good thing that cleaning is therapeutic for you. However, that shouldn't be the only thing that's expected of you," Hanbin said.

    Jisoo put his moscato down. "Oh, it's r-really no problem, h-hyung. Cleaning is w-what I do. It takes away s-stress, and that's more than enough for m-me."

   "Damn. Seokmin, you get to marry this man and I don't?" Yeeun mumbled to him, sulking. Seokmin looked at his sister. "I act my age, not my shoe size, sis," he said, sipping on his cherry wine.

   Jisoo rolled his eyes. "And your a-age is 5, I'm g-guessing?" Yeeun busted out laughing. Seokmin rolled his eyes. "And yet, you love it."

    "Okay, I really feel as if this is probably a no go." Jisoo, Soonyoung and Wonwoo were currently helping Hoshi with his wedding things. They were about to lose their minds if they do say so themselves.

   "Now, if I r-recall, you said you w-wanted something dealing w-with tigers," Jisoo said. Wonwoo shook his head at him. "When I say we are not doing that." Hoshi turned to him. "It's my wedding." "Yea, and it's utilizing my time."

   "Let's s-stay sane you guys," Jisoo said. Wonwoo chuckled at that. "Using my lines against me, huh?" Hoshi sighed. "I forgot how stressful this shit is. But I'm only thinking of the aftermath of being married to him."

    Wonwoo was trying to signalize some things, and his energy was really being exalted. "Ugh, this is really draining." He sat down, taking a rest. "Sometimes I second guess wanting to marry Mingyu cause of shit like this." Hoshi chuckled. "That'll be cute."

"Okay, now. L-let's weigh options. Hoshi w-wants to have a c-cute, tiger theme. B-but we're all g-grown. So, hear me o-out: we combine what b-both Woozi and Hoshi l-like the most, a-and remix it." The other two turned to Jisoo. "Good luck charm, he is," Wonwoo said.

Not even five minutes later, Seungkwan walked up. "Having fun?" "We are now, Boo." Wonwoo said, writing in his journal. "Anyways, anyone know what happened to that thing?" He pointed to Bada's office. "Well I'll be damned." Wonwoo looked over. "It worked."

Jisoo turned to him. "What worked?" Wonwoo looked at the older. "Hmm. I'll explain everything at lunch. Trust me. You're gonna love this." Jisoo cocked a brow. "What illegal s-shit did you p-pull?"

"Don't worry about that right now. Worry about him." Wonwoo pointed in the direction of Seokmin's office, which was very dim in lighting.

  "Those lights represent either a sultry mood, or a silky mood. Take ya pick," Hoshi said, going to the restroom. "My q-question is, what g-goes on in his h-head?" Seungkwan sighed. "You, bitch. Now go!"

"Whoa. Why do I feel so sick?" Bada was walking out of her office, holding her head. She had a migraine for the last 10 minutes.

"Everything okay, honey?" Jinyoung asked. "I'm f-feeling a bit q-queasy," she mumbled. Jinyoung rubbed her back. "Sit back down, baby."

Yoona then walked in. "Oh no. Baby what's wrong?" Bada sighed. "My head. It's been aching all day long." The pair turned to each other with worried looks. "Don't worry. I'll be alright." Bada brushed it off.

"Sure about that, sis? I'd say I used a lot of negative energy." Wonwoo was once again, standing outside her door, hearing in on everything.

Seungkwan stepped up. "The police will never understand." "Best part about it, ain't it? Let's go." They walked to lunch.

Meanwhile, Jisoo and Seokmin were in the younger's office, not having a care in the world. "Jisoo, I never had the chance to actually thank you." Jisoo looked back at him. "Honey, w-what you mean?"

Seokmin chuckled at his boyfriend. "I mean, that you are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I mean that. You first walked in here as a mute, strict, and very reserved boy."

Jisoo scoffed. "Still k-kinda reserved." Seokmin giggled. "Indeed, baby. But now, you talk. And exploit your emotions and have grown so much more confidence than when you first started."

   Jisoo smiled. "And it's the most beautiful and important thing ever. It's like watching a fuckin caterpillar turn into the most exotic butterfly."

Jisoo smiled. "Everything I've l-learned about you and I s-still don't understand those a-analogies, b-but you're adorable f-for it." Seokmin blushed, and Jisoo was shocked at that.

   "I finally made t-the Lee Seokmin b-blush. I w-win at life." Seokmin chuckled. "Darling, you won when you started this job." Jisoo nodded at that. "You right." They stayed within each other's arms, ignoring everything that's going on outside.

Hmm I wonder what's yo come this next chapter👀 totally joking I'm not gonna scare y'all like that💕

Pretty sure y'all tired of that💀

Thanks for reading!💠

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