🤍Chapter 14💠

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Uh oh. It was Seokmin's turn to speak about his company and how it has improved over the years. And where was he? Not here.

Realizing that it has gone on long enough, the owner of the building smiled and walked up.

"Evening, everyone. I'm afraid to announce that the representative of the Lee Incorporated has-"

"Has plenty to say about the company with plenty of information!" Jisoo's head popped up and he saw Seokmin at the door. Thank you God.

Seokmin walked to the stage, and looked over at Jisoo, who gave him a thumbs up. That's all he needed. With that, he began speaking.

    He got caught a few times, choking up and getting a bit anxious, but he looked at Jisoo for the reassurance he was lookin for. He was beyond grateful for that.

    "Well said, president Lee. Now, if all hearts and minds are clear, meeting adjourned!" Everyone gathered their things and started to leave out. Just as Jisoo was gathering the last of the stuff, Nayeon approached him again.

"Jisoo! Just who I wanted to see! May I have a word?" He smiled at her and nodded, following her near a less crowded spot in the room. "So, I have a wonderful proposition for you to ponder." Jisoo listened on, wondering what's gonna come out of this.

"Leave Lee Inc. and come work for the wonderful JYP Industries! I have an offer from the company that you can't refuse. I swear."

Jisoo was completely taken aback from this. He was about to start signing, but then he took out his notebook.

"I refuse to leave the Lee company. Besides, I don't think there's someone else that I can see myself working for. And I absolutely love it here. So I respectfully decline."

"Jisoo? There you are! I've been looking for you!" Seokmin walked over and he instantly knew the face of the girl. His mood dropped. "Nayeon. Nice to see you again."

    She gave him a cantankerous look. "Likewise, DK." "Yea, don't ever call me that ever again. You no longer have the privilege to."

Nayeon rolled her eyes. Then she looked at Jisoo. "Think about my offer, sweet thing." She winked at him and walked off. Seokmin gave Jisoo a look then folded his arms.

  "What offer?" Jisoo shook his head. "Think nothing of it. It's a waste of time." They left the building.

"You failed me once more, Nayeon. Can't you do anything right?" Nayeon was currently getting chewed out by Yoona.

She was assured a shoe in for sabotaging the night for Seokmin and Jisoo, but it didn't prevail. All thanks to certain somebodies.

"I know. I let you down, madam. It won't happen again." Nayeon then had a bright idea come to mind.

"Unnie, may I speak with Jinyoung oppa?" She scoffed but regardless, gave him the phone. "What is it?"

Nayeon had a look on her face. "Is it possible for you to give me the information you got on that one called Hong Jisoo?"

She could feel Jinyoung smile through the phone. "Ahh, I see where you're going with this. Excellent. I'll give you everything that's needed on him." They hung up after that.

Nayeon put her phone up and sighed. "Get ready to lose your precious assistant, Seokmin. And get ready to perish, Jisoo!" She got in her limo and headed out.

"I'm knackered! Today has been quite a long day!" Seoksoo arrived back at Seokmin's place, exhausted of energy. They already ate before they got back, so Jisoo was thankful that he didn't have to cook.

"It's rather late, Soo. You're welcome to stay the night." Jisoo gave Seokmin a look that said I don't know, but Seokmin reassured him.

"Please, I insist. You need your rest, I know you're tired, and your aunt and 2 bestfriends will understand. Please. Stay the night by Zedd." Jisoo was skeptical, but he gave in and decided to crash for that one night.

Seokmin showered first, and Jisoo was looking through some clothes to sleep in. Apparently, Seokmin had some clothes that were his size already stacked and prepared in his house, much to Jisoo's surprise. Did he complain? Hell nah.

"Shower's all yours." Jisoo turned around to see Seokmin, in a tank and sweats, with his hair still wet. Jisoo couldn't lie: he found the view VERY appetizing. Did he say that out loud? Absolutely not.

Jisoo discreetly thanked him and went to go shower. After 30 minutes, he walked out in a t shirt n shorts, ones that fit him, at least. "Thanks for letting me crash here." Seokmin waved him off. "Think nothing of it."

Jisoo took himself to one of the spare rooms, got comfortable and went to sleep. Seokmin couldn't lie: he wished he would've slept with him in his bed, but he didn't think that his assistant would be comfortable with that.

"Maybe I'm just in over my head," he mumbled. He shook away the thoughts and went to sleep, not realizing that a certain somebody heard what he said.

It'll happen sooner than you think, love. Trust me in this💞

Here's another to keep ya minds at ease😊. I feel in the mood to be posting. But I think I'm
Gonna leave ya with this one til Wednesday 💜

Thanks for reading!💠

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