🤍Chapter 31💠

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"Oh my g-gosh! It's my f-favorite place!" After work, Jisoo and Seokmin went back to the retreat from the weekend prior to this week. It was Jisoo's favorite place at this point. Seokmin found it absolutely adorable.

"No cleaning. Got it?" Jisoo turned around with a pout on his face. "Minnie, y-you know how I am." Seokmin blushed at the nickname. But chuckled. "Yea, I do. But sometimes, too much of anything can be bad for you."

Jisoo pouted, and nodded regardless. They walked around until they got to the kitchen. "W-where's the staff? It's r-rather empty today." Seokmin shrugged. "It's not really popping until the weekend, when everyone has time off."

Jisoo nodded. "M-makes sense. Anyways, I'm hungry. L-let's eat." DK nodded. "I haven't eaten today." Jisoo gasped. "And y-you didn't t-tell me?!" He instantly went back behind the counter, seeing what was there.

"Yea, this w-will do." He pulled out some ingredients, mostly consisting of some vegetables and kimchi, and he found some eggs but make what you can, I guess. He got the stove going, waiting for it to get hot.

"What's going on in here?" They turned to the voice to see Yoon hyung from last weekend. They instantly bowed. "Afternoon, h-hyung." He looked at Jisoo in surprise.

"Wow! You can talk now! Amazing. Not that it was any trouble to begin with." Jisoo smiled and nodded. He went back to cooking.

"Didn't know it would be anyone else here today, hyung. It's usually empty on the weekdays. It's Wednesday after all." Yoon nodded. "Indeed. But I'm always here, along with maybe 9 others." Seokmin nodded. "Noted."

"F-food's done!" Jisoo whipped up a quick meal of kimchi stir fry with eggs around, making some lemonade to drink. Yoon looked at the plates with awe. "Wow. Not even my wife can be this efficient." Jisoo chuckled. "Oh my."

"That traitor! I knew it! Fucking knew it!" Bada stormed around her office. Her agent, has crossed to the other side.

She was more than furious. She was angry beyond retention and said things she wish she shouldn't have. "Why can't shit go my way? It's always something!"

What she didn't know was that a nosy someone was standing outside her door. "Hmm, I don't wanna say my hex worked, but that bitch did her job." Wonwoo overheard the whole thing.

He heard how she stormed about being mad at Wheein, and how her family was backing her up the entire time about wanting to get rid of Jisoo and taking Seokmin and the company for herself. His entire hypothesis of her being a crazy, egoistical bitch was just proven.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit." He walked to Seungcheol's office door, and knocked. He opened up, and let him in.

  "Wonwoo? Why are you here after hours? You never come in here." Wonwoo chuckled. "I know. But I have something for you that I think may help with your situation."

Seungcheol gave him a look. "Elaborate." Wonwoo sat down. "I overheard everything Bada said in her office. About how her family got involved with embezzlement and fraud, how they came to be with this company, all that."

Seungcheol chuckled. "Wheein gave us that information." Wonwoo looked up. "But did she give you the origin story of how they started the account? And what bank? And who's name it's under? Better yet, what her father did before he and Hanbin hyung started this company?"

"There's absolutely no way she would exploit all of that in a rampage." Wonwoo laughed. "Seungcheol hyung, if you hadn't noticed by now, I'm literally a witch, and my tactics and ways of finding things out are more accurate than a college senior's final report."

Seungcheol thought about it. "Well, you did prove that she was the reason the company lost 10%." Wonwoo snapped his fingers. "Precisely. And I'm certain you know about her trying to take out Jisoo." "Yes. That's what we're trying to avoid."

Wonwoo traced his fingers on his bag. "Hmm. Well, we all know Jisoo hyung is my baby, so I'm protecting him as well. And with the root work that I do, she'll be out of here in no time. All I need is something that contains her DNA."

Jeonghan walked in from the back, Seol following behind him. She started to speak. "I may be able to help with that." Wonwoo looked at her. "Cool. You can be as menial as possible. I just need something that has a trace of her on it." Seol nodded. "Done."

Don't worry, y'all. I'll never make Wonwoo a bad guy. My heart can't take that😩 at all.

What will he do? Ohhh y'all gonna love it

Thanks for reading!🤍

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