🤍Chapter 19💠

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"You thought you could walk into this company, snag the crown prince, and get away with it so easily? Think again, kid." She punched him, sending Jisoo stumbling back.

"Aw, look at you. Weak. Pathetic. I can't believe you think Seokmin sees anything in you." Jisoo started to walk away, ignoring her words. But then she hit him in the back, causing him to fall. He was about to give up all hope when he realized someone hit her.

  "Walk away while you can." She got up and scurried away, before anything else happened. Jisoo got up and cleaned himself of her musk. My God. What is happening lately? He thought.

"Hurry home, kid. Don't need anything else happening to you," the woman said. After that, she disappeared, not giving Jisoo a chance to get her name. He sighed and looked up. "I don't get paid enough for this shit. Luckily I get paid too much."


    He walked in the door of his apartment and was surprised to see Jae running to him. "There you are. Now where the hell were you?" Dino then walked in. "And what happened to your face??" Jisoo sighed. Then started to sign.

"I was out with friends today, hence so many bags. But the most disturbing thing just happened but I'd rather not speak on it." Jae widened his eyes.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay dude? Do I have to murder someone?" Dino started checking the older for more bruises, bumps or markings of any kind. This dude is amazing.

"I'm fine, hyung. Trust me, I'm cool." Jae nodded.  Jisoo put his things up, wondering if he should let DK know what happened to him.

After pondering it, he decided not to say anything about. He knows he's crazy. "It's not worth it. Besides, it's handled." He then went back to Jae. Dino had some cleaning things in his hand.

    "So, mind explaining you and Younghyun hyung?" Jae smiled. "Well, see what had happened was-"

"Morning hyung!" Jisoo saw Seungkwan skipping up to him, hugging him. "You're in a good mood today." Seungkwan nodded.

  "Because today is the day that Yuta hyung is coming back! Remember when he said he'd come back to officially initiate the investments?"

Jisoo then remembered when he singlehandedly saved the company. "Oh that's right! Wait! Today?!" Seungkwan rolled his eyes. "That's what I said, hyung."

Jisoo was confused. According to the schedule, that arrangement wasn't supposed to happen for another 2 weeks. Something's screwy here. But he kept to his business.

   He started to Seokmin's office and he saw something he wish he didn't. Bada was straddling the latter's lap, trying to seduce him. Jisoo knocked on the door. Seokmin almost pushed the girl off of him as he saw his assistant walk in.

   "Morning, Josh." Bada stood there, upset that he ruined their moment. She glared at him as she exit the office. Jisoo smiled sweetly at her as she left.

   "Don't worry about her. You're mine only," DK said, startling Josh. The latter started to blush. DK just called him his, and he found absolutely nothing wrong with it.

But he didn't let that get to him. Yet. He decided to ask DK about the upcoming schedule.

   "Seungkwan told me that Yuta hyung is coming back to discuss things today. Is that true?" DK nodded. "His company decided to speed up on things, such as schedules and investments, so things will be moving a bit faster." Well ain't that some shit.

   "Wonderful. Now, as for today, let's just hope things don't go awry. Again." DK gave him a look. "Again?"

Josh waved him off. "It's nothing. Let's just...get today over with." He turned to walk out, until DK grabbed his hand.

   "Yea, you're bullshitting me." Josh slapped his hand. "What have I told you bout that?" DK chuckled. "Oh honey, you can forget about it."

"So wait. You're telling me that someone tried to kidnap you last night???!" Jisoo put a hand over Soonyoung's mouth.

"Can you be ANY more louder? But yes. That happened and now I'm left with a terrible case of PTSD."

Soonyoung shook his head. "Well, thankfully to whoever that was that stopped them. Who was that, by the way?" Jisoo shrugged.

"Didn't get a name. But she had purple hair, a deep voice and she wore some white specs. That's all I could remember."

Soonyoung raised his brows. "Hmm. Well, does your boss know?" Jisoo nodded. "Forced me to tell him and now he has every piece of bodyguard patrolling my apartment. I'm lowkey losing it." Soonyoung chuckled. "Once again, whipped."

They walked in the board room, seeing all the other chairs, assistants, and members of the other company that came to start the investment joints for this period. "Took y'all long enough," Seungkwan mumbled. They sat down, and everyone got started.


    "Everything was a success! Yuta hyung already made a joint donation of $250,000! And it brings in more potential shareholders! I really hope this stays up!" Wonwoo said.

    Everyone was in a good mood. "Has anyone seen Jae?" Seungkwan made a face of realization. "That's what I meant to tell you. Last I saw, Younghyun took him back to your apartment. They got a call that it was urgent from someone called Dino?"

    Jisoo widened his eyes, and slapped Seungkwan on the arm. "Ow!" "And you gon wait to tell me??!" Seungkwan shrugged. "Don't blame me dude I just remembered 5 minutes ago!"

    "What the hell's going on?" Seokmin walked over. "Jisoo turned to him. "Something happened to my aunt. We gotta go. Now!" Seokmin nodded and trailed him out the door.

   "Younghyun hyung! Step on it! Now!" Not a word in, and Younghyun mashed the breaks. But what they didn't know is that a certain woman walked out the company building, smirking so hard. "Hopefully that'll let him know to leave Seokmin alone. Haha."

I'm tired of her, but she makes the plot lmao. Guess who she is👀

Next chapter might be interesting 👀

Thanks for reading! 🤍

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