🤍Chapter 41💠

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    It was the day that Hoshi and Woozi were finally getting married, and of course, Jisoo knew he was losing his absolute mind. "You ain't even the one getting married yet and you losing yo shit?" Jae asked.

    Jisoo waved him off. "After all the s-shit we been through these past few weeks, l-let me have this goddamn peace." Jae held his hands up. "As you wish, your majesty."

   Dino ran downstairs. "Have fun, hyung! I'm going on my date." Jisoo dropped everything he was doing. "Your what n-now?" Dino smiled.

"I met this really cute guy! He's really nice and he's into nature and really loves crystals! His name's Subin! He's a beauty."

    Jisoo smiled. "Aww, that's c-cute." Jae clapped his hands. "My boy grew up. But don't move too fast. Shit goes haywire that way." Dino nodded. "I know! But I'm heading out now. Bye guys!" He walked out.

    Jisoo looked at the time. "Yea, l-let me go." Jae snapped his hands. "Here's my wedding gift to Hoshi. And tell Woozi his 16 grams will be there next Thursday."

    Jisoo snorted. "I got y-you." He then walked out the door, headed to where the wedding took place. "You should be really honored that you're a bridesmaid," Younghyun said.

  "I d-do. This rarely happens cause people r-rarely get married now." Younghyun nodded. "Shit's a lot of work but it's worth it."

    "I'm losing it. Oh my gosh I'm losing it! And I shouldn't be! He's gonna pull that TikTok shit!" "Oh my Jesus, Hoshi! Calm down! We just got here! It ain't time for all that." Wonwoo fixed his makeup.

"If I freak out this hard at my own damn wedding, slap the hell out of me," Seungkwan said. "It'll hurt me m-more than it'll hurt you," Jisoo said. "Not me. Y'all be safe though," Wonwoo said.

Jeonghan then walked in. "Honey, you ready?" Hoshi looked up. "I'm going to fuckin throw up." He fixed his dress. Yes, he went with the dress after Seungkwan didn't know how to shut up.

   Jeonghan chuckled

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Jeonghan chuckled. "Remind me so much of when Seungcheol and I got married. Boy, that was a shit show. But that's a story for another day. Now, let's get this shit rolling!"

Everyone walked out and got in position. And the whole into the woods wedding theme was beautiful, but being outside, in the medium cold air, with the crisp leaves literally everywhere? Don't wear high heels. Big mistake

"I must say these are quite comfortable," Seungkwan said, gesturing to his clothes.

   "I must say these are quite comfortable," Seungkwan said, gesturing to his clothes

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"It gives me hips. I forget that clothes got superpowers like that," Wonwoo said. They all then waited for the wedding to start. The groomsmen then walked up to their spots. Jisoo spotted Seokmin, who looked ready to go home already.

Jisoo looked at him until he turned to his direction. Then he pouted. Seokmin took notice and did a similar motion, causing the older to chuckle.

"It's starting guys! Shhh!" Everyone then carried on with the ceremony, watching with admiring eyes.

   The priestess (the wonderful Joy of Red Velvet) stood before the couple. "Queerly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony."

    "Oh my God. I love her for doing that," Mingyu whispered. Hansol scoffed. "It's the only right way, my guy."

    The couple said their vows to each other, the ring bearer stepped forward, and they exchanged rings with each other. Joy stood smiling happily.

    "Beauty. And now by the power invested in me by Google, the government, SM's basement, and under a God who loves us all, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss one another."

    The now happily married couple kissed. Most people don't French at their wedding, but Soonhoon weren't like most people. The crowd went crazy. "Bitch you better get it!" Seungkwan yelled.

    They turned to face the crowd with wide smiles and everyone clapped even more. Jisoo lowkey teared up. Why? His child got married. Or so that's how he saw it.

   Seokmin took notice of how he looked at the couple in the most motherly way possible, and smiled to himself. I can't wait for this to be us, Soo, he thought.

Next chapter gonna be a bunch of clownery and shit so don't hold your breath💀

It's Saturday! I'm in a great mood😩 apparently good sleep makes a difference.😌 And you can never go wrong with listening to Lil Nas X's album

Thanks for reading!🤍

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