🤍Chapter 40💠

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Jisoo walked inside his house, seeing that Aunt Miya, Jae and Dino were unpacking from their trip to Singapore. They were unwrapping all the souvenirs they got and all.

  "Hyung! Look what I got!" Dino showed Jisoo a custom made bracelet that was made from unbreakable Thai wood.

"He wouldn't shut up until I got it for him. He's lucky I love him," Jae said, putting up his clothes. Miya scoffed.

"Just like you wouldn't shut up if I got you that rare edition Hennessy bottle." Jae held it to his chest. "Have to give props to what got me through this train wreck called life."

    Jisoo shook his head. "Anyways, w-what's the menu tonight?" "Anything that doesn't involve shellfish," Jae said. "Maia, come and eat!" Dino fed the cat, who was getting rather big and she was only 8 months.

   "I'll cook tonight," Miya said. Jisoo folded his arms. "What's the o-occasion?" "If you ask me I say sis found something," Jae said, walking to the bathroom.

    "Actually, this kid should be the one with a souvenir on his hand." Miya said, pointing to Jisoo. Jisoo started blushing, shaking his head. "Not y-yet, auntie. Besides, we're still y-young."

   "All I know is, I better be at a wedding before the 30th birthday," Dino said. Jisoo giggled at that. "We'll see where l-life takes it."

   "He's doing this on purpose. But at least I know that we don't have to worry about Bada anymore." Seokmin and Mingyu were helping Jihoon out with things.

   "That's what I know. But I checked him real quick. Cause he knows that I'm not going for that." Jihoon clapped his hands. "The student has finally surpassed his mentor."

Hansol walked in. "I don't know if it's just me, or that Bada thing hasn't been bothersome lately." Seokmin whipped his head to the younger. "Elaborate please."

   Hansol sighed. "I mean that she ain't been going anywhere, saying anything to anyone, or even made any snide comments to anyone. She's been quiet."

Seokmin smiled to himself. Thanks, Wonwoo. "That's a win for us if I do say so myself," Mingyu said. They carried on with their activities. Unexpectedly, a visitor walked in. Seokmin took notice of him instantly. "Jun hyung?"

    He bowed. "Hey, guys. I'm looking for Seol. Have you seen her?" They all answered no in some form. "That's unfortunate. Anyways, when you do, tell her I need to speak with her." He walked out, going to his next appointment.

"Well, that settles that." The other boys were so wrapped up in things they didn't realize another presence. "Wheein! What are you doing here?" She brushed off. "I gotta report something about Bada to Seungcheol. Have y'all seen him?"

"Not for the last 4 days. Jeonghan probably checked him in his asylum by now. Took him long enough," Mingyu mumbled. Jihoon smacked his head. "And you're next."

Wheein walked out, not realizing that Seokmin was following her. "I don't remember seeing you around here. When did you even get here?" Wheein stopped. She turned around.

"I used to work for her, so I can pretty much answer anything you give to me." Seokmin put his hands in his pockets. "So you can explain why she wants to take my company so bad?"

"That goes back to when your father and her father built this shit." Seokmin was were currently trying to process all this information, and he just learned that it was a tip away from being shattered on the damn ground.

"Ugh, seriously," Jihoon said. He then started out the door. "Where the hell you going?" Jihoon opened the door. "Somewhere you're not. Byeee!" He walked out. Seokmin scoffed. "My head is spinning."

"Seokmin! Just who I wanted to see." Seokmin turned to see Jinyoung walking in his direction once more. "Please, not today by BTS. I'm not mentally stable to be dealing with more mess."

Jinyoung chuckled. "Actually, this is about how a big investment could take place very soon. And it lies in your hands, kid. All you have to do is make sure that this man wants to invest at this company, and all will be well again."

Seokmin sat back. "And why should I believe you?" Jinyoung dropped the files in front of him. "That's why." Seokmin took the files and read them. Then he looked back at Jinyoung. "When exactly is this meeting?"

I don't know why this man instantly jumped on his bandwagon...dumbass💀

Prepare for some unexpected shit that leads to the end. Or is it really the end? Buckle up💞

Heads up this has random updates now cause...yea lmao.

Thanks for reading!💠

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