🤍Chapter 2💠

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   "Jisoo! You did this?!" The poor boy was currently getting yelled at by his boss. Someone apparently let the last bag of ice melt.

   "It wasn't me, Song hyung," he signed out. Song looked at him with a glint in his eyes that screamed liar. "I don't believe you. You're a thief."

   "It wasn't him, hyung." Song turned to Dino, with a look that told him to hush. The shy one simply bowed and went back to his station. Song then turned back to Jisoo.

"You're really about to be on your third strike. I swear, if this happens again, I won't hesitate to fire you." Jisoo wanted to protest, but nodded regardless.

    Everyone went back to work. Ever since the day he wrote that he wasn't talking, Song has been being a bitch towards him.

   "Ignore him, hyung. He's just mad because he just got a divorce with Yuna noona. Poor man just want to keep the one thing that made him happy." Jisoo started to sign.

   "Well, that's good to know. But honestly, I am getting pretty tired of him and his antics. We gain absolutely nothing but more attitude by the day. I'm almost done with this place."

   "Oh I don't blame you, dude. It won't be long before I leave, too. But I don't have many options right now so we waiting it out until further notice," Jaehyung said. Jisoo chuckled. "Gotcha."

  "Dude, you were almost late." Jisoo was a panting mess, just clocking in. "Sorry. Had to handle some, things." But of course, his boss was not having it.

Song walked up to Jisoo. Jisoo respectfully bowed to him. "Morning, Song hyung." But Song had an evil look on his face.

"I don't pay you to come here and just make friends, Soo! You should be wiping off all the tables and washing the dishes! You know what? It doesn't matter. You're fired!"

    That was the end of it. Jisoo has fucking had it. He was so close to punching this man in the face he had to pray to make sure his fist didn't go past his face.

   "You don't have to worry about firing me. I quit!" He pulled off his apron, grabbed his bag, and headed to the door.

   Before he left, he looked back and smiled a sad smile. "Thanks for this opportunity. But this has come to an end for me. Be blessed."

He walked out. Not a minute later, he heard footsteps following him. "Hyung! Don't leave me~"

   Jisoo turned to see Dino, standing there with tears in his eyes. Jisoo ran to the boy and hugged him. After quite some minutes, he pulled away.

"I'm so sorry, Dino. But I couldn't take that abuse anymore. If I stayed any longer, I would've killed him if I'm being honest."

   Dino chuckled, wiping away his tears. "I hope we work together soon, hyung." Jisoo nodded, agreeing with the baby. "Before you go-"he handed his Jisoo hyung a cross necklace and $100. He looked at his dongsaeng.

   "Sweetheart, I can't take this." But Dino insisted. "Please hyung. Keep it. And you'll need that extra. Just please. Take it." He hugged the younger once more.

   "Wish you the best, Jisoo." He looked up and saw Jaehyung standing at the door. He nodded to him. "Take care of Dino for me. And I hope you guys make it out, too." Jae nodded at that. With that, Jisoo left.

    Jisoo sighed as he walked off. He felt as if a weight lifted off his shoulders, but a piece of his heart wasn't ready to let go. "God, help me find a new opportunity."

"I haven't started yet, and I'm slowly losing it." Seokmin was currently dreading his upcoming status on being an adult. Ew. Making appointments by himself.

    The poor boy was moving up in his father's company, and he wasn't ready to take on everything that comes with it. But little did he know of the blessings....

"It's all good fun. When you can make your own schedule, that is," Mingyu, his friend, threw in. He's head of Legal Services. In other words, he oversees the department dealing with deals that were gone awry. Big mistake of assigning him to that.

"Thanks for the advice, Gyu. Real helpful." Mingyu chuckled. "Trying to lighten up the mood. I understand that you don't want to be overwhelmed so much. But I can assure you: it'll be fine." He got up and went back to his studies.

Meanwhile, Seungcheol, an assistant for the company, was looking through files in the graduate system of those who have bachelors and master's degrees.

He was getting really bored and almost didn't pick anyone until he came across a certain someone that peaked his interest.

   "Oh? Hmm." He looked up his profile, saw his qualifications, and the best part about it is: he has a squeaky clean record. But then he saw his disorders. However, he overlooked that.

   "Everyone deserves a chance in life. He looks like he could use another. And he seems very sweet." Seungcheol smiled, and saved his profile to the board.

    "I shall meet up with you, Hong Jisoo."

I love these concepts but can't write em for shit💀💞. I'm gonna update one more chapter, and that's the last update until Saturday, when I have time.

Thank you guys for reading!💠

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