🤍Chapter 39💠

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"No! I am not wearing a dress!" "Dude why not?! They authenticate the hips!" Hoshi and Seungkwan were arguing about the older's wedding attire, and of course Wonwoo sat there, reading his book. He's known to just enjoy chaos.

"I'm telling you: a bright yellow and it trails the walkway. It'll be a sight." Hoshi shook his head. "My favorite colors are black and white. And we barely get away with the shit we wear here. You think I'm gonna wear that?"

"Yes. And you will rock it. We won't be at work so that's the best part! Trust me on this! I'm not a fashionista for nothing man. Better yet we can just ask Minghao hyung! He's good at this, too!" Hoshi thought about it.

"Never thought I'd say this, but I agree with the ass," Wonwoo mumbled, not looking up from his science fiction book. And just their luck, Minghao walked inside the company, dressed in very formal attire.

   "Morning, The8!" Said boy turned to Hoshi

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   "Morning, The8!" Said boy turned to Hoshi. He smiled at him. "Morning, babe. Have you guys seen Seol?" The big 3 shook their heads. Minghao shrugged and went to the board room.

"Ahh they just begun." Jisoo took notice of him and waved at him, which in turn, he waved back. After the meeting went on for a good 10 minutes, Minghao left the building.

He got inside the limo. "You can take me to my next appointment, hyung." Said man started the car. "Lee Seokmin and Hong Jisoo. I love that." He went on to his next appointment.

"With this meeting, Jisoo will not be in attendance with you. So you'll have to go about this in a mature manner. Hope you're ready."

To say that Seokmin was mad was an understatement. He never does anything or go anywhere without Jisoo. And now Jinyoung is telling him that he can't do this meeting with him by his side, is a no-no.

"I'm sorry, uncle. But my assistant goes with me everywhere. He's my assistant for a reason." Jinyoung shook his head. "Not this time around, son. This is to test and see if you can handle things in a mature way in your own manner."

Seokmin shook his head. "Either he comes with me, or I'm not attending. Choice is yours." Jinyoung frowned.

"So your petty little assistant is more important than the good of the company?" Seokmin stood with his hands in his pockets. "And don't ever forget that." He walked out of the older man's office.

Jisoo was standing outside, totally not eavesdropping, and walked up to the younger. "D-did I just hear t-that right?" Seokmin sighed. "Baby, ignore him. He knows I'm not putting you last for anything. And I made sure he was clear on that."

Jisoo took notice of the younger's stressed state. He wish he could have some sort of superpower that could help him. But for now, he's settling with a peck on the cheek.

"Please try n-not to overwhelm y-yourself again." Seokmin nodded and Jisoo went off to where the others were.

"Seokmin. What's going on son?" Seokmin sighed. "Nothing, dad. I'm just a bit tired and overwhelmed from these back to back meetings. And I'm really in need of at least 30 minutes without my head being on overload."

Hanbin put his hand on his son shoulder. "Comes prosperity comes responsibility, son. You'll have to do some things you don't want, and then there's some things you'll enjoy. It'll be quite alright."

"I keep telling myself that, but it's like every time I say that, something goes haywire once more." Hanbin chuckled. "Son, you have a lot to learn still. Everything will pan out. And don't forget this weekend we have to do our local food drive."

Seokmin nodded and thanked his dad. "Thanks, dad. This is just what I need. Hopefully this'll help me with my work ethics."

He walked to where the chair assistants were, and was met with the older 3 trying to resuscitate the youngest. "Now what happened to him?" Jisoo sighed.

"Vernon walked in and s-surprised him with an a-anniversary gift of a k-kiss and a p-promise ring. Now he's u-unconscious and has been f-for a good 20 m-minutes."

"Young love. So cute, but damn this bitch heavy," Hoshi said, trying to pick him up. Seokmin shook his head. He walked up to Jisoo. "Is this what always goes on in this office?"

Jisoo chuckled. "Oh baby, t-this ain't even half of w-what be happening." Seokmin cocked a brow. "I'm, concerned. Beyond describable levels." After a couple minutes of pining, Seungkwan got up.

He sighed and sat up. "Did anyone else remember throwing down with a goat?" Hoshi squat down to the floor. "Smooth."

Hmm what's my good bruh Minghao doing here? Guess we'll see👀

On some real shit y'all, I'm tired of putting my boys through shit so enjoy these next chapters💙 it's my fall break so I'm updating🥰

Thank you for reading!🤍

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