🤍Chapter 9💠

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"Here we go." Seokmin just arrived at the restaurant, already seeing his family there. He went and sat down. "Thought you were lost for a minute there, son." Seokmin shook his head. "Got caught up in some last minute stuff."

    He looked over and saw his sister, Yeeun, talking to their mom about the success of her business. When she noticed him, she got up and ran over to him. "I haven't seen you in so long, Min!" She lowkey smothered the boy, who returned the hug.

    Luckily for this pair of siblings, they have a good relationship. "So, having fun running the empire?" Seokmin laughed at his older sister. "Only thing I'm good at running, is this mind." Yeeun chuckled.

"Oh don't worry kid. It'll get better." Seokmin looked at her. "Mingyu said the same shit." The carried on with their family dinner and Seokmin got all the advice needed, to run a business.

    Needless to say, the poor boy wants this all to be over. Then again, he can't really complain. Especially if it means that he gets to see his sweetheart of an assistant.



   "I'm just glad you are alright, hyung." Jisoo was currently patching up Jae, who just got involved with a hit and run incident. "Could've been worse. I just thank God it wasn't." Jisoo nodded.

   "Hyung, is he okay?" Dino walked in, carrying more medical supplies. Jisoo nodded. "He's fine. And for future reference, don't ever trust anyone who sounds like a scammer." Jae chuckled.

"I don't trust those, Jisoo. He wasn't a scammer. He was a fuckin magician." Jisoo slapped his arm. "No swearing." Dino chuckled. "Thanks for the help, Jisoo hyung." Jisoo waved them off. "No problem, babe."

    "Well, that went well. I'm tired but I can't bring myself to go to sleep." Seokmin left the restaurant after the family met up. "Everything alright, Seokmin?" He looked at Younghyun, who noticed the younger's mood.

Seokmin sighed. "Honestly, Younghyun hyung? I have absolutely no clue what the hell is going on. Physically and mentally. It's exhausting. I wish life had an easy button." Younghyun chuckled at the younger.

"Min, one thing I can tell you: it's not gonna get any easier. It can maybe get better, but I don't know about easier." Seokmin sighed and sat back. He was about to nap until he saw a familiar face. Is that him?

    "Hyung, pull up next to him." Younghyun looked confused, but did what he asked regardless. Seokmin rolled down his window to see Jisoo walking home, with a load of groceries in his hands.

"Jisoo!" Said boy turned to see who called him, and widened his eyes when he saw his boss. He bowed to him. Seokmin waved him off. "No need for formalities, hyung. Please, let us take you home." Jisoo started to protest, but he can't even talk to try.

With that, he got in, putting the groceries between them. They sat in awkward silence, trying to avoid each other. Seokmin would peek at Jisoo every other second, and Jisoo would know it, too. He smiled internally at the thought.

After 20 minutes, they arrived at Jisoo's apartment complex. This is where he stays? Wow, Seokmin thought.

Jisoo got his things and walked up to his apartment. He turned around and signed a thank you to the other 2. "You're welcome! See? I understood that!" Younghyun said. Jisoo smiled at the older.

   "Jisoo! There you are- what is that?" Jae walked out and eyed the limo that was sitting there. What he didn't know is that the driver inside was eyeing him the same way.

   "He is a beauty," Younghyun mumbled. Seokmin took notice of what he said, smiling at him. "Be safe, Jisoo!" They drove off. Jisoo turned to Jae, who stood there, mesmerized. Jisoo chuckled and they walked inside.

He unloaded the groceries and Jae couldn't help but ask. "And you haven't cuffed this man yet because..." Jisoo widened his eyes. "Hyung, let's be realistic please. I just started working there merely a week ago. To automatically cuff him as soon as that, screams thirsty."

Jae started laughing. "Aww, may. When will you realize that love doesn't have a schedule?" He unloaded the rest of the groceries and walked out the kitchen.

Jisoo thought about that phrase. Love doesn't have a schedule. He kinda believed it, but something kept holding him back. What was it?

Short chapter before the real bullshit begins. Boy when I say it's hot👀 be ready. It's Wednesday so update! Might have another in mind. We'll see.

Thank you for reading!🤍

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