🤍Chapter 15💠

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   "Another day, another dollar. That's how you start these days off, right?" Seokmin woke up to a captivating aroma. "And this is why I'm whipped for this dude." He got up and took his shower, getting dressed in the process.

   "This what we going with

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   "This what we going with." He walked downstairs, welcomed with Jisoo turning off the stove. The kitchen looked flawless as always, not that he really cared. Because he always saw something more beautiful.

   "Morning, DK." Seokmin smiled. "Morning, Soo." Jisoo turned to him. "You know you can always call me by my English name, Josh." Seokmin widened his eyes. "Ooh I really forgot! You're from L.A!"

   Jisoo nodded. "Indeed." Seokmin clapped. "I'll call you that from now on. By the way Josh, you look cute today. Then again, that's everyday." Joshua blushed at that. He worked with what he found in the wardrobe. He had to admit, it's comfy.

    They sat down and ate, Seokmin smacking like a crazy person who tasted candy for the first time

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They sat down and ate, Seokmin smacking like a crazy person who tasted candy for the first time. Josh could only shake his head. "You're cute when you eat." Seokmin chuckled at that. "How can I not be, with food as amazing as yours?"


After eating, cleaning, and making sure that DK had no crumbs on his face, they headed out to get to the company. "Dude, where were you last night?" Jae asked Josh. "I spent the night at DK's."

Jae made a face. Then he took the liberty of signing. "You STILL ain't cuffed this man yet?" Seokmin smiled at himself.

"Jae, my man, let's remember I'm very fluent in sign language." Jae widened his eyes and turned around. "You read nothing!" Seokmin chuckled and shook his head.

The limo arrived at the company, and Seoksoo got out first. "We still on this weekend?" Jae asked Younghyun. Younghyun smiled at him. "You bet, darling." They shared a sweet kiss and Jae got out. Josh looked with wide eyes.

"Now when the hell was this?!" Jae smiled sheepishly. "Oh honey, we'll have tea time tonight. IF you're home."

They all walked inside the company. "We gonna talk at lunch. Something you gotta know," Soonyoung said to Josh. Josh gave a look of concern, but nodded.

"So it was those two?!" Josh just learned through the big 3 that the reason why DK was late to the meeting was because of a stalling mechanism that Bada's parents had plotted against him.

"We found out through Minghao. He contacted us about it. Before we could interact, Younghyun already found a way to get out of the jam," Wonwoo said.

Josh shook his head. "Those damn heathens." "Hey hey, language," Soonyoung said. Josh shook his head.

    After 10 minutes, lunch was over and Josh walked inside DK's office and saw him in a good mood. He asked what's up. DK smiled at Josh.

"My sister called. Said she wants to see us today." Josh beamed. He loved DK's sister. He saw the woman as a sister figure, but also a motherly figure. He found nothing but positivity around her.

"That's fine. I like her. She's a beautiful comic relief." DK smiled. "So what I'm hearing is: she's your type." Josh instantly shook his head.

  "Only interested in men, I am." DK silently celebrated. "Well that makes the two of us. Now, let's head out. She's waiting!"

They left the company, unaware of someone watching them the entire time. "That assistant. I refuse to let him win over her. Or let her down."

   She pulled out her phone and dialed up her boss. "Yes, Unnie. They are leaving the company now. I don't know exactly where they are going. I'll trail them to see."

   She then hung up. "It's what he deserves." She started her Porsche and trailed behind the limo.

Wrote this while watching W.I.T.C.H. GOD the nostalgia. I'm so old now lmao. Wow

And it's Wednesday so, prepare for the spam👀

Thank you for reading!🤍

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