🤍Chapter 36💠

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"What do you mean Meanie are missing?! What the fuck?!" Woozi was losing it. And so was Hoshi. They just found out that Wonwoo and Mingyu have been missing since 4:35 yesterday and no ones seen them since.

   "We don't know where they went! Last I talked to either of them was when I told Wonwoo hyung that I was going to handle files that this man wouldn't do," Seungkwan said, pointing to Vernon.

No more than 10 seconds later, Seungcheol and Jeonghan walked in. "Has anyone seen Wonwoo?" They all turned to Jeonghan.

  "No, dipshit. We haven't! And now we're losing it!" Hoshi yelled. He then plopped down. Jeonghan shot him a look. Hoshi sighed.

"I'm sorry, hyung. I'm just mad right now. He's usually the one that stays on top of things. And to see that he's missing right now ain't sitting well in my spirit." Woozi placed a hand on his fiancée's shoulder. "We'll find em, honey."

Bada then walked in, noticing the tension. Hoshi saw her first. Then he saw red. "What did you do, you bitch!" Hoshi tried to go hit her, but Woozi held him back. "Baby, you don't wanna do that."

Bada walked off, not saying a word. Seungkwan then got this horrible headache. "Ughh, what the fuck?" Vernon helped him to a seat. "I really hope karma comes after that bitch." Seungkwan groaned again. "This is out of nowhere oh my God!"

"I'll go get you some medicine," Vernon said, walking off. Seungkwan's headache carried on for another 20 minutes, and then it stopped. He looked up. Then he looked at everyone. "Anyone knows where Seungcheol hyung went?"

    "You're very, very strong willed." Wonwoo was currently dealing with Nayeon and her tricks, really trying to think of what to do. His antics weren't failing him, but they were asleep right now.

"I told you before, bitch. I'm not saying anything." Nayeon smirked. "I know. But I figured that if your boy's life was on the line, you'd squeeze it out."

"What did you do?!" Nayeon started laughing. "Only what I'm about to do to you." Mingyu was about to be wrapped up in a body bag, and Wonwoo saw absolutely nothing but red. After that switch clicked on his head, he lost all rational thought and control.

"You sick bitch!" Nayeon smiled. "Why thank you. Now, as we were." She held a gun at Wonwoo. "Care to let me know?" Wonwoo looked at the ground. He wasn't saying a word.

"Very well." Wonwoo closed his eyes, expecting to be hit with a bullet. And while a gun did go off, he opened his eyes to see that it wasn't him that got hit, but it was Nayeon who got hit. He looked up to see that it was Seungcheol, holding the gun in his hand.

"Damn she been annoying." Wonwoo was then untied, but he didn't say anything and he walked out of the room, instantly going to where Mingyu was laying. He instantly broke.

    "Mingyu, please." The younger wouldn't budge. Wonwoo laid his head on his chest. Seungcheol put a comforting hand on his back. Wonwoo closed his eyes. Then he started singing. 

  "이런 내가 싫다 umm umm, 하나와 개의 ." Then he hears another voice. "진심을, 숨기고서, 괜찮은 ." Wonwoo looked up and saw Mingyu, with lidded eyes. "Hey, darlin."

    Wonwoo sighed and hugged the younger so tight. "Ow!" He pulled away. "I'm sorry. I thought I fucking lost you." Mingyu chuckled. "For a moment there, you did."

   "I'd hate to interrupt such, but we do have to go or else, she who must not be named is gonna try something," Seungcheol said. He helped Wonwoo get Mingyu off the table, and they quickly but cautiously made it out of the building.

  Just their luck, too. Because as soon as they reached the parking lot, the abandoned building blew up. "Now that's crazy," Mingyu said, getting inside of Seungcheol's car. "Let's get out of here." He pulled off.

   "Okay, now what?" Seokmin and Jisoo just landed back in Korea, dreading of what's to come. "It's morning. They're all at the company by now. Let's go."

    They got in the limo, taking them back to Seokmin's to freshen up first. "So lucky that we showered on the jet," Seokmin said. Jisoo chuckled. "That j-jet was a lifesaver. T-too bad it didn't h-have the plastic ass dog."

   After they got as decent as they believed, they headed to the company. They walked in, surprised at what was happening. "Welcome back. Boy, did you miss a show?" Vernon asked.

"Seungkwan called and said Meanie were missing, and we decided to fly back due to that. So, the real question is, have y'all found em?" Seungkwan then walked in.

"We're waiting on something to get back. Seungcheol hyung has been gone for a long while now, and Jeonghan's pulling his hair out."

    Seoksoo looked at each other, and then looked back at the group. "What the hell is going on?" Seokmin asked. Jisoo sighed. "God, h-help us." Soon enough, the door burst open. Everyone almost shouted.

   "Oh m-my God!" Jisoo ran to the pair, who were covered in cinders and ash. "I have s-so many questions, b-but right now I'm j-just glad you're alright." Jisoo observed them. "W-who did this t-to you two?"

    Wonwoo looked up. "Your friend Nayeon. Apparently, she escaped from jail, which I don't get," he said. Jisoo shook his head. "What? T-there's no w-way." Mingyu sat down.

"She kidnapped me while were out on our break, and in the process, knocked Wonwoo unconscious. I was sedated, and then they placed me in this hospice type room, and after that, I don't remember anything except being stuck with some needle."

"Y'all I'm ready to move," Hoshi said. "Honey book my flight now," Seungkwan threw in. Seokmin sighed. "Wonwoo, do you still have it?" He looked up at Seokmin. "Of course." Seokmin nodded. "She's not here. You know what to do."

This is where things get so crazy you'll forget that you're confused. This the drop of the roller coaster 👀❤️

Thank you for reading!💠

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