🤍Chapter 42💠

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"Whoever made this cake deserves head from heaven." Hoshi and Woozi were finally married, and everyone couldn't be happier.

   "My baby r-really got married. I feel so a-accomplished," Jisoo said, wiping fake tears. "Yea all I know is that you better be next, bitch," Seungkwan said. Jisoo smacked his head. "Least I know how to kiss, without f-fainting."

   Wonwoo walked over. "You bitches owe me a new pair of feet. These heels were not IT!" The trio chuckled. "I gave your flat footed ass fair warning. And what did you do? Ignore me. Like always," Seungkwan said.

   Jisoo ate the rest of the cake and then walked to a chair. He was so out of it he didn't realize Seokmin walking up behind him, snaking his arms around his shoulders. "You w-were about to meet G-God!" Seokmin chuckled. Then he sat down next to him.

   "I'm sorry if I scared you, boo. I just miss you. We've been apart for a minute, and it just goes to show that I really can't function without you." Jisoo laid his head on Seokmin's lap. "Well dont I feel f-flattered." Seokmin wrapped an arm around Jisoo. "You should."

Hoshi then stood up with a mic. "Hi, hello how's it going? So, usually right around this time we'd serve food but before we do that, there's actually a nice lil gift we wanna give to everyone." Jisoo looked at what was given and was shocked to see a bracelet that had MTL on it.

"So, it's kinda an inspiration for those who have found, or will find, their other half. And MTL stands for My True Love, and I've found mine with Jihoon. And so in the spirit of everyone finding their true love, please join me on this dance floor. And let's get this shit jopping!"

Seokmin looked at Jisoo, and held out his hand. "Let's do this?" Jisoo took his hand. "Let's go."

Everyone was enjoying the reception and having the time of their lives out here. The dance floor was full and everyone was amazed at Hoshi's moves. Not that it was much of a surprise to the ones who knew him, but, you get it.

"I forgot h-how well this man can d-dance," Jisoo said. Seokmin laughed. "It's his passion. He's gonna be breaking necks. Literally." Jisoo chuckled.

"I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it! No no no no! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!" Seungkwan was singing up a storm and everyone was haywire. The wild sides exploited, and that was all that was needed.

"Good thing I took off these h-heels," Jisoo said. He pulled Seokmin on the floor and they went at it. "Oh my gosh this is pure comedy," Wonwoo said, sipping his drink. "And with that, we're next," Mingyu said, dragging him on the floor.

No one would've guessed that the stuttering Hong Jisoo would be able to break dance. And boy was it a show. "Get it, bitch!" Hoshi yelled. Jisoo was enjoying himself for the first time in a long while.

"He's a rare breed indeed," Seol mumbled. Seungcheol chuckled at his daughter. "I'm just glad that we can finally breathe now." Soon enough, a visitor showed up. Seungcheol instantly took notice.

He bowed as soon as he walked up to him. "Good afternoon, monsieur."

"That's the f-first wedding I ever been to that made me d-dance like that." Seoksoo were in the limo, on their way to Seokmin's place. "Glad you enjoyed such. This rarely goes on and I'm glad we had a day of peace."

"But for n-now, I real life can't feel my l-legs and my calves are screaming to J-Jesus right now." Seokmin shook his head and laughed at the older. "The aftermath is kicking ya."

Jisoo smiled. "Well, g-guess it'll be alright. I'm just glad to be s-sitting down right now. T-that standing up shit was not it. And in h-heels? No sir." Seokmin laid his head on the older, who in turn laid on his.

Younghyun peeped it through the rear view mirror. "Cute."

After 10 minutes, they arrived at Seokmin's mansion. "Glad you guys enjoyed, and don't forget to keep it PG. See ya!" He pulled off. They walked inside and instantly took off everything that stuck.

"Finally air!" Jisoo laughed. "Go s-shower. I'll cook us something." Seokmin handled that while Jisoo got the stove going. "Wonwoo did s-say that rosemary always does the t-trick. I'll try it."

    After he finished cooking, Seokmin walked down in sweatpants, hair still wet, and a towel over his shoulder. And of course, Jisoo was admiring the appetizer that walked in. Seokmin took notice and smirked. "Like what you see?"

    Jisoo rolled his eyes and turned the stove off. "Anyways, f-food's done. And I'm gonna go hop in the s-shower real quick." He ran upstairs and quickly got a shower.

  "S-sorry for the wait." Jisoo walked downstairs in his shirt n shorts combo, seeing that Seokmin waited to eat. The younger put his phone down and smiled. "Food looks amazing, Soo. But I do see something more appetizing."

Jisoo slapped his chest. "Stop t-that." They started to eat, and Seokmin made it his life's mission to tell Jisoo that his food is the best he's ever tasted. "Ailee noona would b-beg to differ."

After they ate, they decided to head upstairs, not really caring about anything else. Jisoo loaded up the dishwasher that he forgot about and called it a night. Thank God for those things, he thought.

They walked upstairs to Seokmin's room, and both weren't tired at the moment. Seokmin turned to face Jisoo. "Well, what do you want to do?" Jisoo turned to face him. "What did you have in m-mind?"

Seokmin snaked his arms around Jisoo's waist. "We can just cuddle for the night, watching some funny or cute movies, and fall asleep in each other's arms. Or..." Jisoo rolled his eyes. "Unholy y-young man." Seokmin chuckled.

"I l-like the first option." Seokmin nodded. "Me too, babe." And that's what they did. They cuddled up with each other and watched Love Actually, along with funny movies like The Hangover, and just enjoyed each other's company.

Eventually, Jisoo fell asleep, and Seokmin, being the gentleman he is, made sure he got as comfy as possible. When Seokmin got up to use the restroom, Jisoo grabbed his arm.

"D-Don't leave me." "I'm not leaving babe. I just have to use the bathroom." Reluctantly, he let go.

When Seokmin got back and got in the bed, Jisoo nuzzled on his chest, wrapping his arms around him. "You're too cute," Seokmin mumbled, falling asleep.

The fluff at the end was much needed🥰

Thanks for reading!💠

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