🤍Chapter 32💠

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   Friday arrived, and it was the weekend that Seokmin had to go to America. This man was so tired, but aye, gotta stay in the bag, I guess.

    "Now remember, son. You want them to invest in our company. Be on our side. Our stock percentage can't go any lower. It's been going nowhere but up since that minor debacle. Don't let me down."

    Seokmin nodded. "I won't let you down, father. It's all business." He grabbed his bags and headed to catch the limo outside. "Younghyun hyung, can you pray for your boy?" Younghyun chuckled. "I'll ask Jae to do that."

    They drove to pick up Jisoo and Jae. Jisoo had his bags as well, seeing that Seungcheol already took care of his passports and things. That man is quick with it, I swear.

   "M-morning, guys." Younghyun almost stopped the limo. "Since when does this man talk?!" They all laughed at the man. "Honey, when I say you missed a lot.." they kept on to the company.

They all got out and walked inside. "It's the married couple of the house and damn they look good," Hansol said. Seokmin waved him off. "I just dropped in to get some last minute shit. Never know what's gonna happen."

"Yea, no shit," Wonwoo mumbled. Jisoo looked at him. When you get back, he mouthed. Jisoo nodded. He turned to Seokmin. "I'm gonna g-go get my things f-from Seungcheol hyung." He walked to his office, and knocked on the door.

"Ah Jisoo! Come in!" He walked in and closed the door. "I h-heard that you have m-my passport and things r-ready." Seungcheol looked up. He was amazed at his voice. "I do indeed. Right here. Here you are."

Jisoo took the needed documents and bowed to him. "Thanks s-so much." He walked out, and Seokmin grabbed his hand as they walked back out to the limo.

    Seungcheol walked out his office. "Let's hope nothing bad happens." Wonwoo walked up to him. "They're in good hands. I promise you."

"Wow. We really taking an 11 hour flight? Never did this before," Seokmin said. Jisoo giggled. "I have no m-memory of being on a p-plane before. Imagine how I f-feel."

Younghyun pulled up to the airport and dropped them off. "You guys have a safe trip! My friend in America will be handling you guys from here on out!" Jisoo nodded and they bid the elder goodbye.

They were met with someone. "Oh good afternoon, Mr. Lee and Mr. Hong. Let's get your bags checked and get you checked into first class. Long time no see, Min." Seokmin smiled at the woman. "Hi Ryujin."

"I take it that it's your first time flying?" Jisoo nodded. "Damn. I was t-that obvious?" Seokmin chuckled and spoke up. "This is Jisoo, my assistant. But I always refer to him as my love." Jisoo blushed at that.

    Ryujin clapped. "You guys are the cutest. If you'll so kindly follow me to your private suite, please." They went and boarded the plane.

When they entered, Jisoo couldn't help but stare. "Wowwwww." Seokmin smiled at the adorable man. "Right this way." They followed Ryujin to where they'll be staying.

    "Not bad, right?" Jisoo turned to Seokmin

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    "Not bad, right?" Jisoo turned to Seokmin. "You're j-joking, right?" Seokmin chuckled. "Knew you'd love it."

"Would you like to enjoy the convertible luxury bed? Or just stick with the luxury lounge chairs?" Ryujun asked. "Luxury bed. This is going to be a long flight by Taeyong," Seokmin said. Ryujin smiled and nodded. "Enjoy, you guys!"

Jisoo sat down and took in everything. "This, is the b-best thing I've seen in a w-while. Not counting you, of course." Seokmin laughed and kissed Jisoo. "You didn't stutter saying that last sentence. It must be true."

Jisoo rolled his eyes and playfully slapped him. "I have to g-go to the bathroom." Jisoo got up and wasn't expecting the bathroom to be on the exact same level. "Y'all b-be outdoing yourselves, huh? W-where the p-plastic ass cat?"

    He handled his business and went back out to see Seokmin already snoring away on the bed

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    He handled his business and went back out to see Seokmin already snoring away on the bed. He shook his head. "Pitiful."

"They're headed to America, madam." The woman held the phone to her ear. "Luckily I sent you 2 there as well. Make sure that our plan will commence at the proper time."

"Will do, miss." The other woman hung up the phone. She got in the limo. "Airport, please." She was being taken to the same place boarding another flight to America. Little did she know was that she was getting trailed.

"We don't get paid enough for the bullshit," one man said. The other chuckled. "It's a good thing Jeonghan equipped us with all this stuff. I wouldn't even know what or how to do anything if it got down to being busy."

The elder chuckled at his husband. "Darlin, you have a lot to learn in this business." He laid his head on the younger's shoulder as the limo pulled off.

This is so fun lmao y'all just don't know☺️ it's Saturday. Let's goooo💙 I also saw that I got 900 reads! My gosh thanks so much y'all 💜

Thanks for reading!💠

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