🤍Chapter 26💠

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"They're blinded by bullshit. Of course things were gonna go awry." Seungkwan shook his head. "So you just cuss everyday now, huh?" They were back in their respective offices.

"Oh well. We tried." Wonwoo plopped down. "I'm not stopping until her ass goes to jail. Along with her shit filled parents," he said. Jisoo had a look. Seungkwan took notice.

"I see them evil wheels turning in your head. What you thinking?" Jisoo looked at him. "Nothing. I'm just thinking. And I just realized it's time for me to go to my next office. So I'll see ya."

   He walked outside and took the limo back to Seokmin's place. He knew the younger was sulking, and he didn't like to see him that way. But don't tell him that.

   He went through the fingerprint and retinal scanning, and walked inside. He opened the door and walked upstairs. He walked inside his room to see the younger, lying on his bed.

    Jisoo knocked on the door to signify that he was there. Seokmin turned around and saw the elder standing there. "When did you even get here?" Jisoo shook his head. "You telling me you didn't hear that loud ass door shut?"

   Seokmin chuckled. "Guess my zoning out got a bit perfect, huh?" Jisoo took the liberty of sitting on his bed. He could sense the sadness and anger pheromones leaving the younger's aura. He took initiative to rub his back softly.

    "I feel like I've failed, Soo. Failed big time. When I got this promotion I thought it would be easy and all I had to do was monitor and things would work out. Guess that's not the case." Jisoo turned the younger to face him.

    "I understand why you're upset, babe. It's okay. But sulking about it and being sluggish isn't gonna work. Only way you're gonna feel any better is by fixing what you can."

   Seokmin nodded. "You're right." Jisoo smiled. "But for now, I would say to just focus on things that make you feel better." DK then remembered something. "Well, there is something that makes me feel better."

    Jisoo looked at him. "And what's that?" Seokmin smiled and got up. "You'll see. Come on."

     "Get your hands off me! What?! Where am I?" Wheein woke up to see she was in a room with 2 lights, and she was surrounded by 3 people.

   "Welcome to your interrogation, sis," Seol said, smiling at the woman. Wheein glared at her. "You. You are supposed to be supportive of your sister! What are you doing?"

    Seol walked up to her face. "The right thing. My sister, if I could even call her that, is a nutcase who needs to be locked up. I've had enough of her and my "parents'" antics. It's tiring."

    Wheein shook her head. "They're thinking about the company!" Seol shook her head. "No bitch. They thinking of themselves. And I'm not going for that. They're gonna ruin the company."

    Hwasa then spoke up. Wheein instantly recognized her. "You." "Aww shucks. You remember me! Hope I didn't poison you too much there."

   Wheein had a look. "Poison?!" Hwasa chuckled. "Only joking, sweet thing." Seol laughed at Hwasa. "So, pretty lady, what you're gonna do is either tell us how to stop this whole shabang, or you can kick the bucket."

    Wheein wanted to resist. She was not gonna just let them get all her information that quick. But then she realized that if she didn't cooperate, they'll kill her. She was stuck at the moment.

   "I see. Kill her." Wheein widened her eyes. "Hold on, boss. Leave it to me, and she won't even have to talk," Hwasa said. Seol looked at her, then back at Wheein, and then back to Hwasa. She nodded. "Very well. Do what you must." She left.

    Wheein looked at Hwasa as she walked up to her. "What the hell are you gonna do?" Hwasa smirked. "Oh, honey. You ain't got nothing to worry about."

Hmmm. Got a surprise for y'all next chapter🥰 I swear you'll love it. You'll see☺️

Here on out, I can guarantee you that it's gonna be chill. For the most part. No promises. 💞

Thanks for reading!💠

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