🤍Chapter 34💠

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"Okay, Soo. I understand my appetite is not what you want, but please be careful with the over feeding, darling." Jisoo was on the 3rd plate for Seokmin. The younger said he hasn't eaten and it triggered him. Typical.

   "It's n-not healthy for you t-to be walking around h-here on an empty stomach h-half the time." Seokmin chuckled. "I can assure you, love. I'm alright." Jisoo nodded, even though he didn't believe it.

   "Still making s-sure you eat every p-part of the day. Last thing I n-need is you p-passing out on me due to lack of f-food." Seokmin smiled. "Understood."

    After Jisoo made sure that Seokmin and him were well fed, they had a debate about who would shower first. Seokmin came up with a brilliant idea. "Shower with me. And let's save water." Jisoo blushed at that.

   "M-Min, are we ready for that?" Seokmin noticed his tension. "If you're not comfortable yet, we don't have to." Jisoo didn't want to keep making it seem as such, but he was still a bit insecure about his body. But don't tell Seokmin that.

   "Wow I forgot. There's 6 bathrooms in this house. Pick whichever one suits you, babe." Jisoo blushed at the nickname but nodded at that. He got his pajamas, and then went to get some towels. Then he walked around the large house.

   "Oooh. T-this one's nice." He walked inside and admired how it fit for him. Sometimes he felt like he ran shit, but on most days, he's square one.


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   "Yes." He quickly took his shower, making sure he was clean beyond requirement, and then got out. He dried off, and dried his hair. Then he put on his pajamas. He walked out and didn't expect to see Seokmin shirtless once more.

   "Oh there you are." "Minnie, w-where's your shirt?" Seokmin smirked. "Like what you see?" Jisoo slapped his chest. "Yes, b-but not the p-point." Seokmin chuckled at him. "You're too innocent."

   After Jisoo got things ready for tomorrow, he went to bed. Of course, Seokmin wasn't gonna let him isolate himself this time. And Jisoo didn't want to admit it, but Seokmin was rather comfy and he loved that.

   "Yes, monsieur. We have landed. Just now." The two men were unloading off the plane, carrying their bags with them. The younger was on the phone with the monsiour.

   "Keep eyes on him." "As always, sir." He hung up the phone. "Okay, now food. I'm starving." The older looked at him. "You're a mess, you know." The younger chuckled. "You love me, though."

Meanwhile, back in Korea, Seungcheol and Jeonghan were back home, carrying on with what tabs were being kept on the couple. Of course, it's part of their job.

"Okay. So along with the information I got from Wheein, plus what Wonwoo's giving me, this should be a peace of cake. Key words. Should be."

After a while, Seol walked in. "Dad, I think you're forgetting something." Seungcheol turned to his daughter. "And what's that, honey?"

Seol looked outside. "I may have gotten some of the files they planned on keeping hidden from the government. This is all thanks to Wonwoo hyung."

Jeonghan walked up to her. "And what files are those?" Seol pulled out a vanilla folder. "In here are the bank statements, IRS reports, and tax records and returns of their business."

The couple looked at their daughter in awe. She was more clutch than what they thought. "Kid, you're fucking amazing," Jeonghan said. They took the files and read up on how Lee Inc. came to be, in the most illicit way possible.

"That man really is a witch," Seungcheol mumbled. "On top of that, he's also in the works of getting rid of them and soon." Jeonghan nodded. "Let's hope this goes well. God forbid another gun pulling moment."

   "I'm just hoping they alright over there. I don't need anything happening to two of my favorite people." Seungkwan, Hansol, Soonyoung and Jihoon were walking around town, taking a moment to clear their heads.

   "Yea. Jisoo hyung looks like the silent and nonreactive type. I don't think he'll hold his own if it came down to it," Hansol said. Seungkwan rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. "Honey you're so wrong."

   "I'm just glad they were able to get away from that Bada migraine. She is the literal definition of pain in the ass," Soonyoung said. Jihoon chuckled. "Yea, you would know." Soonyoung hit his shoulder.

   "I'm just sad that Meanie couldn't join us today. I hope they're alright," Seungkwan said. Soonyoung nodded. "Trust me. They're in their own perfect world." But boy was baby wrong.

   Meanwhile, Wonwoo was currently being held hostage in a basement room, and Mingyu was absolutely nowhere to be found.

   "This is not how I thought my leisure days would go," Wonwoo said. His arms were getting weaker and more numb, due to the tightness of the rope.

   "So, wanna tell me how my files somehow left my care?" Wonwoo looked up at the voice. "Show yourself first, butt plug. Then we'll talk." The woman walked in. Wonwoo shook his head. "Nayeon? How the fuck did you leave jail?"

    Said woman chuckled. "I got a little team just like you. I have my ways." Wonwoo sat back. "And if I refuse?" Nayeon smirked. "Then you'll have to answer to him." She pointed to the man standing at the door.

   The man was at least 6'4, had the arms of fuckin tire pressure, and wore an evil look on his face. "Aww, fuckbucket. This can't be it," Wonwoo mumbled. This was not gonna end well.

Wow. What's bout to happen to Wonwoo? And where is Mingyu? Uh oh..

This is the part where you use your heads, my loves💞

Thanks for reading!💠

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