🤍Chapter 45💠

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"Yes. I love when we help people!" It was the Saturday of the food drive, and Seokmin and his family were up and at em, early as 8 a.m. 

   "I really think Jae was right about one thing." Younghyun said. Seokmin turned to him. "And what's that?" Younghyun smiled. "Sleep is a beautiful thing." They pulled up to the latter's house.

  "Jisoo, you have seriously need to take a weekend off and SLEEP," Jae said, walking to the kitchen. Jisoo scoffed.

   "Even if I do get a w-weekend to myself, I'm gonna e-end up having to do something." Jae took a jug of apple juice. "Can't even argue with that."

Jisoo walked out the door, getting inside the limo. "Morning g-guys." He turned to Seokmin and gave him a haste kiss on his cheek. The younger smiled and blushed like crazy.

   "Cute. Well, time to get a move on then," Younghyun said. Jisoo shook his head. "A mess."

They arrived at the food drive, already seeing everyone there, unloading boxes off the truck. "Let's get this a going." Jisoo and Seokmin got out of limo, walking up to the group.

   Of course, being extra as he is, Seungkwan ran to the elder and tackled him in a hug. Then he did the same to Seokmin. "I'm in a good mood because Vernon and I kissed and I didn't faint."

  "We have officially e-entered a parallel universe." Jisoo said, shaking his head. "I raised Hansol so well," Seokmin said.

   "Wonwoo, you're on your 5th box. Everyone else is literally just reaching box number 2." Wonwoo put the cans on the table. Then he looked at the others. "I have strategies. Y'all have patience. We are not the same."

   "I'm kinda not feeling it, haha. Probably because I didn't get my morning smoke session." Hoshi said. Jisoo laughed. "You gotta p-put that devil lettuce down." Hoshi scoffed. "Absolutely not."

    Jisoo rolled his eyes. "Could not be me, a-and it will not be him." He pointed to Seokmin. "Y'all loss. Not mine." They kept working until someone from the shelter walked up. She looked rather frightened.

   Jisoo took notice and bowed to her. "Everything okay, ma'am?" The woman did some form of sign language, which Jisoo instantly understood. The woman is deaf. Jisoo signed back.

    "What's wrong ma'am?" She smiled. Then she signed again. "Our shelter is short of 2 cans. We tried to reach you earlier, but that mean lady with the glasses deprived us." Jisoo looked in the direction she pointed. His mood instantly went sour.

  "Ignore her. Here you are." He handed her 4 cans. She smiled a bright smile. "Bless you, young man." Jisoo smiled. "It's no problem, ma'am. Be safe!" She walked away. Seokmin watched the entire transaction. "You're too perfect, man."

   "You are too pure for this world, dude," Jihoon said. Jisoo shrugged. "It's e-evil enough. Kinda wanna get rid of that. F-for good."

   "Shit. When your powers can get rid of debt, call me," Hansol said. Seungkwan shook his head at his boyfriend. "You literally make 8 figures a month. What the fuck are you doing?" "Drugs by Tai Verdes."

   "Finally food!" Hanbin and Chaerin let everyone over to eat. Chaerin saw her employees as her own kids, and it didn't hurt to have em come over every once in a while. Hell, it's a party.

   "Oh my gosh. You can never go wrong with kimchi fried rice." Mingyu said, already fixing 2 plates. "Just be sure you save some for, ya know, the others," Chaerin said, taking the platter from him.

   Wonwoo smacked him, shaking his head. "I just know yo mama raised you better." The younger stuck his tongue out at the older, causing him to chuckle, shaking his head. "You're so lucky I love you."

   "Andddd we're done!" Everyone looked up and saw Ailee bringing more food. Everything was fresh, not frozen. And it gave a rather amazing aroma to the room. Everyone loved it here.

"Jisoo, thank you for taking care of this boy. He NEVER freaking eats. I have to bribe him." Chaerin complained. Jisoo chuckled. "Well, he s-seems to always have an a-appetite when I cook." "Damn. That shit hurted," Ailee said.

    "Don't worry, m-miss Ailee. Your cooking is divine," Jisoo said. "That just made my whole day. Why?" Ailee said. Chaerin chuckled and dismissed her for the day.

  "So, even though I wasn't able to attend, I heard that you two FINALLY tied the knot." She pointed to Soonhoon.

   "And they slayed everything. And Hoshi wore the dress!" Said boy was stuffing his mouth with rice when he tried to talk. "Only because you wouldn't shut up!"

   Chaerin laughed. "I hate that I couldn't see it. I bet you looked so pretty." "And did! I got pictures!" Seungkwan went up to the woman.

   Seokmin sat at the end of the table, shaking his head. "These goons." Jisoo chuckled at him, pinching his cheek. Chaerin smiled softly at the couple. "And y'all better be next," she mumbled.

Halloween party next chapter and chapter after next. Hope you'll love these☺️

Book might be ending by chapter 50...or not. We'll see. It's Saturday thank the gods😩🥰


Thank you for reading!🤍

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