🤍Chapter 25💠

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   "Today's gonna be a good day! This week bout to be a good week! Everybody get your ass up and let's get to the food meet!" Jisoo rubbed his eyes at Jae's words. "This motherfucker keep trying it." Jisoo got out of bed, took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and got dressed.

" Jisoo got out of bed, took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and got dressed

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   "Hopefully no bullshit follow us around this week," Jae said. Jisoo nodded. "Same. Now let's go. I think Younghyun's outside." Jae headed to the door while Jisoo grabbed his stuff.

   He walked outside and got in the limo. "Morning Younghyun hyung." Said man smiled and tipped his hat. "Morning, Jisoo." They headed to the company. Everyone walked in to see everyone in a surprisingly good mood.

"Jisoo hyung! Come here!" Jisoo ran to see what Soonyoung was screaming about. The boy held out his hand. Jisoo was lost for a moment, but then he noticed the sparkly, shiny item on one of his fingers.

He widened his eyes. "What the fuck did I miss?" Soonyoung chuckled. "Jihoon took the time to propose! And let's just say, I was not expecting that. Jisoo gasped and smiled. "Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Long as I get to be a bridesmaid."

   Soonyoung gave a knowing look. "You know that's necessary, hyung." They then entered the office where they work to see an argument happening. "It's too early. What's going on?"

Seungkwan turned to explain. "Our stock percentage went down 10%. And they're trying to blame it on us."

"Wait. I got questions: one, what?? And two, why they blaming it on us???" Wonwoo shrugged. "Apparently, stupidity is a hereditary trait. And I may have a lead on who might be the actual problem."

Jisoo looked at him. "That Bada thing?" Wonwoo snapped his fingers. "Exactly that. But the thing is, we need to find a way to prove it to the others."

"How? The office she operates in is only available to people she likes," Seungkwan said. Wonwoo looked at Jisoo. "Hyung, I need you to ask Seokmin for a favor." Jisoo looked at him.

"What do I have to do?" Wonwoo smirked. "It's quite simple. Here's what I need you to do."

Jisoo walked in and knocked on the office door. Mingyu looked up. "He's in bad spirits, hyung. Hopefully you can do something about it." He walked out. Jisoo walked up to him. "What's wrong, DK?"

Seokmin shook his head and looked down at his desk. Jisoo folded his arms. "Yea I call bullshit. What's happening?" Seokmin chuckled and sighed. "Our company lost 10% of stocks. And the bullshit is on my head along with the other chairs and apparently, our assistants."

Jisoo nodded. "I heard. And that's why I need you to do me a favor. Better yet, I should ask for a favor from you." Seokmin cocked a brow. "And what's that?"

Jisoo walked up to him. "I may have an idea as to who's to blame." Seokmin raised his brows. "And her name starts with a B." Seokmin widened his eyes. "Why would she be the blame? She the one that thinks she runs this place."

Jisoo smiled. "Okay I need you to grant access to her office. May have something in there that is tied to it." Seokmin smiled. "Never thought I'd see the shy, mute boy go rogue." Jisoo waved him off. "Trust me on this, darling."

Jisoo took the liberty to find the files that Bada used to spread as propaganda for their company. All included troll comments and references, mostly used as such to bring down many things. And they're all linked to faulty websites.

"This should do the trick." Soonyoung walked inside Jinyoung's office (why he still got one? I don't know), and placed them on his desk. "There's your proof." Jinyoung looked at the files. Then looked back at Wonwoo.

"Where did you get these?" "Your daughter." Jinyoung's face then grew angry. "That's impossible. My daughter wants this company to thrive!"

"Nah she just want to decorate it and make sure she only gets the shares that benefit her and her only. Clown ass," Wonwoo mumbled.

However, Jinyoung refused to believe them. "I get what's going on here. You all want to get rid of her so bad, you come up with this scheme to make it happen!"

Soonyoung wore a dead look on his face. "You were right, Wonwoo. Stupidity is a hereditary trait."

   "Who are you?! What are you doing here?! How did you find me?!" Hwasa smirked. "I have my ways, Wheein.

    Said woman was hiding out on Jeju Island, seeing that she had let down her boss. She was afraid of the repercussions of what would happen if she showed back up without the deed being done.

    "Who do you work for?" Wheein said nothing. Hwasa walked up to her. "Cooperate, we'll find a prison that's friendly." Wheein glared at her. "I won't tell you shit." Hwasa was smiling so crazily, it scared Wheein.

"I don't mean any harm, sweet thing. But what you fail to realize is-" she swiftly grabbed her by the arms, "I never lose." She took out a cloth and put it on her face. Wheein passed out.

Hwasa smiled to herself. "Now, to the fun part." She pulled out her phone. "Cheol? Yea I got her." "Wow you're freaking amazing. I think you know what to do now." They hung up.

"Never in a million years would I see myself doing shit like this." She picked up the woman, and walked out.

I stay writing in class. I gots to stop lmao💀 but no this is gonna be fun.

It's Saturday, y'all know how it go man💕

Thanks for reading! 🤍

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