🤍Chapter 4💠

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Jisoo had to remember where he was. He almost started to run around and shout, but then remembered that it might cause a dent in his potential hiring process. He was about to just go outside and wait until he bumped into someone.

   Jisoo sighed out, upset that he hurt someone. The other dude stood up and looked at him. Jisoo started signing. "I'm so sorry. I don't talk much. That's why you didn't hear me."

Luckily, the other understood. "Oh no worries, love. I'm sorry I assumed the worst. Lucky for you I am fluent." Jisoo admired the out of it employee.

He had black nails, purplish-silverish hair, and was wearing some silver specs. And he was wearing a very pretty outfit.

 And he was wearing a very pretty outfit

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   (Let's be realistic: he'd body this. Just no purse)

"I'm Wonwoo. Nice to meet you, but I have to get a move on now. But have a nice day and good luck," he said, signing along. With that, he walked off to wherever he was needed so urgently.

Jisoo looked around some more. He was changing his mind about going outside now. Well, let's see what's up here. He walked up the stairs near the main office and was just looking around. "This place is really a big ass castle." He was so distracted that he didn't realize someone was staring at him.

"Mm mm." He jumped at whoever cleared their throat, and quickly straightened up. The boy looked at him with a gaze very strong and he wouldn't blink for anything. "Uh, hi," Jisoo signed out.

   "What's that you're doing with your hands?" Jisoo turned red, scared as all outside

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"What's that you're doing with your hands?" Jisoo turned red, scared as all outside. He put his hand to his mouth, to signalize that he's mute. Apparently the man understood, since he nodded.

   "Well please watch yourself next time, some halls are off limits." Jisoo nodded and bowed to him. "Have a good day, sir." He walked out, not sparing another glance at anyone else.

   He started walking off, headed to the bus stop. Luckily, it pulled up just in time. He paid his toll and headed home, wishing he got his name.

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