🤍Chapter 18💠

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  "She has eyes on him, father. Are you sure this is going to work?" Bada and her mother and father were eating lunch at a famous steak and shrimp place, not having a care in the world.

"I can assure you, love. Everything will pan out exactly the way we want. Our plan will commence perfectly. Especially since I plan to take over this company."

Yoona smiled at her husband. "Yes! No more being co anything. But CEO of everything." She and her husband made a toast. Bada smiled at her parents.

"My assistant better not fail this time. I have this executed in a way that shouldn't fail. If it does, that means we're in trouble."

"Don't worry on that, my daughter. That won't happen at all. I promise you," Jinyoung said. Bada smiled, loving the fact that she'll finally get everything she wants and feels that she deserves.

   "The monsiour has already recruited her as well. I believe we are in wonderful hands," Seol said, walking back to Jeongcheol. They nodded. "Okay, cool. That settles that."

    "I'm still not going to let my guard down. At all. I don't think that way. We gotta double up protection. By any means necessary. They're coveted."

    Seungcheol walked to his husband. "Don't worry, love. It'll all be okay. We wouldn't be going through this unless it's for a good cause. Believe me, I'll be at home composing and drawing in a coloring book before other shit."

    Jeonghan chuckled. "That I can vouch for." Seol admired the parental couple. "I just wish my parents had more sense like you guys." Jeongcheol looked at each other. Then nodded.

   "Love, you won't have to worry about them anymore. We're your parents now." Seol looked up at them. "Really?" They nodded. "We'll protect you from those heathens. I promise." Seol started tearing up. "And that's why we do it."

"I think it's time to wrap this up. My witchy senses tingling, and I feel bullshit a brewing," Wonwoo said, looking around for clues. Seungkwan looks at him. "That's scary. Never deny his witchy senses."

Soonyoung then started to get up. "They're right. Something don't feel right. I feel as if we're being...watched." Jisoo looked at his dongsaengs. What the hell's going on now? "Let's go."

They all gathered their stuff and packed inside of Wonwoo's rose gold Audi, still making sure no one was eyeing them, and got in.

   "Still love this whole aesthetic," Josh said

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"Still love this whole aesthetic," Josh said. Wonwoo smiled at him. "You know I gotta flex." He started his ignition, and pulled off.

Seeing that the day is over, for work if anything, Wonwoo dropped Jisoo off at Seokmin's. He went through the systems process, walking inside. Hmm. He must not be here, he thought.

Seeing that he's not tired and didn't want to go home just yet, Jisoo started doing what he did best: cleaning. He straightened up the living room, which didn't have much needed seeing the floor was porcelain.

He went to the kitchen and made sure there were groceries still in tact. Thankfully, there were. Jisoo looked at the clock. "It's 7:00. I'll cook for him and then go home."

And that's what he did. He cooked up a dinner of kimchi gimbap, bossam, and a side of hobakjuk. He made mochi as dessert and a drink of raspberry lemonade. After that, he took his leave, gathering his things.

He was about to be at his apartment when suddenly someone wrapped a hand around his mouth. "Going somewhere?"

Bruh who tf tryna kidnap my bestie?! Finna square up👀

Yea, it's Saturday. Y'all know how it go man💕

Thanks for reading! 💠

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