🤍Chapter 37💠

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"Okay, I'm tired. But on the bright side, our company managed to gain shareholders from America all thanks to my son, Seokmin." Seokmin sat in the back, smiling.

"However, the meetings with Bae Industries will have to be put on hold. Or postponed. They aren't looking for more shareholders at the moment and we must respect that." Jisoo sighed, silently thanking God. He was tired of traveling now.

    Seokmin turned to the elder with worried eyes. "What's wrong, babe?" Jisoo blushed but shook his head. "Something just d-doesn't feel right. O-or is it j-just me." Seokmin wrapped an arm around him. "You're just tired, love. Everything will be alright."

   After a few more things, the meeting adjourned. "Seokmin?" He turned around to see Hanbin walking to them. "Tonight, Chaerin wants to have a family dinner." He then turned to Jisoo. "You are welcome to join us, Jisoo."

    Seokmin nodded at that, while Jisoo was about to protest. Seokmin saw this, and instantly shut him down. "Darling, you're apart of this family now. Just go with the flow." Jisoo sighed, but nodded nonetheless.

    Meanwhile, Bada and her family were celebrating, thinking they accomplished enough to make things go their way.

   "Yes, have one of the department chairs taken down, while working the progress of slowly claiming chairmanship. I'm here for it," Jinyoung said. Yoona smiled at her husband.

   "It'll finally all pay off, darling. And we're not done yet. We have to make sure that Jisoo get his as well." Bada sat at the end of the table. She smirked as she sipped a glass of wine. "And I know just how to do it."

   Little did she know, Wonwoo left a surprise in her office. "Thank the gods for Seol and her way of getting things." He walked off, feeling accomplished.

   "Jisoo hyung!" Said boy turned to see Hoshi walking towards him. "Who I'm k-killing?" Hoshi chuckled. "Nothing bad this time, thank God. I'm actually asking for help about my wedding." He held his hand up.

Jisoo gasped. "You're asking m-me to be your w-wedding planner?!" Hoshi laughed. "Ah, hyung you're too cute. But yes. Better you than Seungkwan. He'll get it confused with his own."

   Jisoo chuckled. "Well, I'm v-very flattered at that, b-but I'm only extra to an e-extent." Hoshi held his hands up. "That's more than enough for me, dude."

"Now, I'm going to therapy." The pair looked at Wonwoo, who was leaving the building. "Have fun, kid." "Want anyone t-to go with you?" Wonwoo shook his head.

"This is something I gotta handle on my own. But thanks for the offer. See you guys tomorrow." He walked out.

Seungkwan sighed. "And now, to go handle 30 more files that Vernon did NOT fuckin sign. Y'all call me when it's time for lunch." He walked back to the office. "Jisoo." He whipped around to see Seokmin calling him.

Jisoo walked to his office. "Everything a-alright?" Seokmin got up and closed his office door. Then he went back up to Jisoo. "Everything is perfectly fine, love." He wrapped his arms around the older.

He then started kissing on the back of his neck. Jisoo was caught completely off guard. "And w-what's going on here?" Seokmin chuckled. "Don't worry, darling. I just wanted a moment to be intimate. We hardly get to do that anymore."

Jisoo thought for a moment. The younger was actually right. "Well, you d-do have a p-point. But Minnie, a-at the workplace?" Seokmin pulled him in his lap. "Why not?"

Jisoo couldn't even lie. What Seokmin was doing did relieve a bit of stress. He just felt that it was so wrong to be intimate in a professional manner and space. Then again, he been breaking a bunch of moral rules lately. Why not another?

   "You a l-lucky one, Lee S-Seokmin." Jisoo said, kissing him back. Seokmin chuckled. "Trust me. I know."

"Wah! I d-didn't know your p-parents' house was t-this huge." Jisoo, and Seokmin pulled up in front of the 9.7 billion dollar resort. Jisoo felt his mouth water for no damn reason.

   "Yes we know

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"Yes we know. She's a beauty." Younghyun dropped the pair off. "Keep it holy, you two." Jisoo chuckled at the older. "I'll m-make sure of i-it." They walked inside. They were met with one of the maids.

"Evening Seokmin. And who's this beauty of a young man?" Jisoo blushed at the compliment. "Evening, Ailee. And this here is Jisoo. My parents know him as my assistant, but he's my love."

   Jisoo bowed. "It's n-nice to meet you." Ailee chuckled. "Adorable, he is. Now, if you two will kindly follow me to the dining area. Your parents are waiting." They followed her in, being met with the entire family.

"Oh my gosh! My favorites!" Yeeun screeched. Before they could comprehend what was going on, she was already smothering them to bits. Seokmin swore he heard something crack.

   "Yeeun, please. You're gonna break em." Hanbin said. Chaerin chuckled. "Just be thankful that our children have a friendly relationship with each other, honey."

    After Yeeun pulled away, which was at least an hour, they all walked over to the table. "It's the famous Jisoo once more! I will never get over how adorable you are," Chaerin said, holding his face.

   Jisoo smiled his gummy smile, making Seokmin lose it on the side. "T-thank you, noona." Chaerin widened her eyes. "Honey you talk now?" "This is the part that the thugs skipped," Hanbin said. Yeeun fell on the ground.

   Jisoo turned to Seokmin. "I think s-she's broken." Seokmin laughed. "She been that." After they got her up, they sat her at the table, and proceeded with dinner.

King of the hill funny as hell and I forgot how much it was💀 plus, it's Saturday. Let's goooo💞


Thanks for reading!🤍

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