🤍Chapter 30💠

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"Alright! It's almost that time you all!" Everyone was in a meeting, ready for anything to happen so that it can be over. Jisoo swore he saw a clock say midnight at this point.

"The annual press conference for all business cooperations is coming up rather soon. I've selected my son, Lee Seokmin, to represent us. I can assure you all that he will do us proud."

They all clapped at that. Hanbin spoke once more. "There is also a big investor that is rumored to consider investing with this company. He is very noble and has over a million shares worth of his name. Let's hope he takes this company into account."

They all clapped once more. "With that being said, meeting adjourned!" Everyone cleared out. "I'm so toast. And on top of this meeting, I've gotta probably go to another one after or before. I have no clue."

Jisoo shook his head. "Don't w-worry, darling. I got your schedule a-all taken care of." He started scrolling through the iPad.

"Before the b-big press conference, y-you have a meeting in America, L-Los Angeles to be exact. You'll be m-meeting with Woo Industries. V-very wonderful company indeed. And besides t-that one, you a-also have a meeting in C-Canada with Bae Enterprises."

Seokmin sighed. "Thank God for you. But this is going to be so much stress on my brain." Jisoo pecked him on his cheek, instantly uplifting his mood. "Don't overthink it, h-honey. Everything w-will be alright."

"Y'all cute and all, but remember we still got shit we gotta do," Mingyu said, walking back to his office. Seokmin waved him off and wrapped an arm around Jisoo's waist. "Let's get this over with." They walked back to his office.

"So, Wheein, is it?" She nodded silently, standing next to Hwasa. Seungcheol nodded. He got up out of his seat. "It's evident that you had all info about how Bada planned on taking over this company. Care to elaborate on that?"

Hwasa looked at her, gesturing her to start speaking. "Well, she was going to concoct a plan that would cause Hanbin hyung to go missing, signalizing her chance of recreating the voting process so that she could write in her father's name as CEO, and her as president."

Jeonghan walked in. "Missing? How the fuck was he about to go missing? Chaerin ain't going for that."

Wheein shrugged. "It involved getting him sick somehow. While he would be out, ill and weak, that's when she would take action. But honestly, I'm just waiting for her family to go to jail."

Seungcheol held his hand up. "Besides holding a damn gun to my boss lady's head, what other reason should they be thrown under the jail?" Wheein sighed.

"Bada's family has been embezzling funds from various companies all around the country. Every investment that was put on this company has been embezzled into an account, number 1343407 and it holds up to 7.8 million dollars."

Jeonghan's eyes widened, along with Seungcheol's. Seol shook her head. "Typical assholes." Hwasa put her hand on her shoulder. "This, my friends, is how you handle that."

Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan, who nodded. "Send em in." Seol opened the door and in walked 2 men. "The monsiour has asked you personally to keep an eye on them. The schedules coming up for them involve going to America and Canada. Make sure all is well." They nodded.

Seungcheol sat down. "Now what are you doing?" He looked back at his husband. "Business."

"You helped us out. And in return, you get paid, no jail time, and you don't have to answer to Bada. It's a win win scenario where the dumbass loses," Hwasa told Wheein.

Wheein chuckled at that. "There's the benefits, I guess. I'm still skeptical, though. She has friends in high places just like Hanbin hyung and his side of things. There's no telling what's going to happen after this."

Hwasa grabbed her hands. "Rest assured, nothing will happen to you. Okay? You're one of us now. Just like when Seungcheol and Jeonghan literally took the time to adopt Seol."

Wheein cocked a brow. "How could they do that? Wouldn't her parents need to co-sign?" Hwasa chuckled. "Let's just say, penmanship can go a really long way." Wheein scoffed in surprise. "There's that."

She sighed once more. She could feel small weight lift off her shoulders. For once, she felt okay. She realized that she wouldn't have to have Bada on her head anymore. She liked it that way.

"One thing I realized is that this side of the business works for the greater good. Kinda glad you kidnapped me haha. But don't ever put any poison on me ever again."

Hwasa chuckled at her. She then wrapped her arms around her. "I can assure you, darling, that I'll never do that to you again." They embraced, not paying attention to the angry woman standing outside the office door. "That traitor!" She walked away.

Uh oh👀 oh dear. Who the fuck is that? I guess we'll never know. Just kidding 💞

Hmm I can assure y'all that, no one will die......

Thank you for reading!💠

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