🤍Chapter 29💠

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   "Mom! Nothing is working! And I'm losing track of all my assistants and helpers! This is throwing me all over the place! What is happening?"

    Yoona embraced her daughter. "I don't know, love. But I can assure you, things will get better for you. For us. I promise."

   Bada pulled away. Then she looked up at her mom. "I hope so. Last thing I want is to be denied of my riches and leisure." Jinyoung then walked in.

   "As you know, the annual press conference in Malaysia is coming up, and all of the chairman's, CEOS, in different area codes, are flying in to state their cases. This year, Hanbin recommended that Seokmin speaks for us."

    Yoona looked at her husband. "So?" Jinyoung smirked. "So, when it's his turn, I'll make sure it fumbles and that it'll go awry so that he'll give me his position."

    Bada shook her head. "Father, I can't bare to see him hurt." Jinyoung waved his daughter off. "Not necessarily hurt him. Just put a dim light on his spirits for a moment."

    Yoona turned to her daughter. "He'll need someone to comfort him when it comes to that time. You'll be the first choice he'll think of!" Bada thought about it. Her parents were right. And she still tells herself that she's the right one for Seokmin.

    "Just as long as he doesn't get too hurt beyond retention. That'll be a mistake that can't be fixed." Jinyoung nodded. "I know how to handle this, dear."

"Morning guys!" Jisoo and Seokmin walked in the company building, hand in hand. Jihoon and Hansol instantly noticed and looked at each other. "You see what I'm seeing?" Hansol nodded. "Took em 20 years."

"Seokmin! Your father wants to see you-what did I miss?" Mingyu walked in, eyeing the subtle gestures. He looked at the hands, then looked at them.

"After pining for how long?" Jisoo chuckled at that, startling the other 3. "This man can make sounds now?" Jisoo laughed even more. "I can t-talk, darling." Hansol fell on the floor, Jihoon dropped his jaw, and Mingyu did a slow clap.

"Congrats, guys. We've reached boss level of Sonic Colors." Seokmin slapped him on the arm. He turned back to Jisoo. "My dad needs to see me. I'll be back shortly." He gave him a peck on the lips. "Cute," Hansol said.

Jisoo rolled his eyes and headed to where the chair assistants work. "Welcome back, Princess. We're going batshit crazy over the Soonhoon thing. But what's been new?"

Jisoo shrugged. "N-nothing much." Soonyoung turned to look at him with wide eyes. "What?" Seungkwan fell out of his chair. Wonwoo walked up to the elder. "Repeat that again. I just wanna make sure your lips was moving."

Jisoo giggled. "That's the cutest sound ever oh my gosh!" Seungkwan was still on the floor. Jisoo rolled his eyes. "G-get up, baby." He instantly got off the floor and sat back in his chair.

"No one was ready for that! No one!" Wonwoo said. Jisoo nodded. "I know. T-that's the b-best part." He sat down with the others. Wonwoo knew something else was up. He looked at Jisoo with knowing eyes. The older looked back at him.

"What is it?" Wonwoo smirked. "You finally said fuck it and let Seokmin cuff you, didn't you?" Jisoo widened his eyes. "What?! It finally happened?! You been pining for a millennium now," Seungkwan said, fainting once more. Soonyoung shook his head at the maknae.

He turned back to the other 2. "Seriously though, is it true?" Jisoo blushed and nodded shyly. The other two silently celebrated.

   "My parents are finally together eeee!" Jisoo chuckled. "But w-who's gonna wake him u-up?" He asked, pointing to Seungkwan. Wonwoo sighed. "I got it."

Short chapter for you guys. It'll get spicy from time to time, hehe☺️

Thank you for reading! 🤍

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