🤍Chapter 33💠

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   Seokmin rolled over, feeling something poke him on the back. He turned and saw Jisoo poking at him, waking him up instantly.

   "Sweets, what are you doing?" Jisoo chuckled. "I d-don't know. I c-couldn't sleep, so yea. I d-do random things."

   "Darling, that is not healthy at all." Jisoo shrugged. "I know. G-guess it's one of my c-coping mechanisms t-that I stick with. I s-stay up and just t-think. It can b-be a bit overwhelming at t-times."

   Seokmin chuckled at the older, making him blush at how deep it is. "We got 6 more hours on this flight. Make them count, darling." He held his arms open for the older, who took the opportunity to lay down with him.

    Jisoo would be lying if he said it wasn't comfortable. He felt safe, secure and warm in the younger's arms.

  "Feeling a bit better now?" Jisoo nodded slowly, signalizing that the drowsiness was settling in.

   Only a few seconds in, and he was out. Seokmin looked down at him, admiring his adorable sleeping face. "You're too cute. What are you doing to me, hyung?" With that, he fell back to sleep.

   "Honey, spare me the details! This shit just don't happen just because!" Seungkwan and Wonwoo were in the bathroom, discussing everything Wonwoo overheard.

   "Yesterday at approximately 3:35, that Bada thing was in her office. And like she was going OFF like sis was big mad! What she didn't know is that I was overheard everything, and when I say some information leaked!"

   Seungkwan widened his eyes. "Well, what are you going to do with it?" Wonwoo sighed. "Seungcheol hyung. I handed it to him and of course, he took care of all of it. And he's gonna present it to you know who. And there's plenty more where that came from."

   Seungkwan nodded. "Well, that takes care of that. By the way, did Hoshi hyung even come to work today?" Wonwoo shook his head. "Nope. Neither did Woozi. Only one thing's for certain on that note." They walked out the bathroom.

   "I'll go handle the files needed for next week. Hansol don't be doing shit. I'll see you round lunch," Seungkwan said. Wonwoo nodded him off. He sat down at the table.

   "I need another day off with this shit." "Honey, take a break." He turned to the voice and saw Mingyu walking towards him. He smiled and got up. "Last time we took a break we didn't come back for a week."

   Mingyu chuckled. "That's the fun part! Not having responsibilities for some time. That shit drives you crazy, ya know." Wonwoo chuckled. "Trust me, I do. Considering I do everyone's work."

   Mingyu shook his head. "Honey we all know you one of the most busiest and overworked ones here. But I don't like seeing you overwork yourself. That's why I got permission to get some mental health time off with you."

   Wonwoo raised his brows. "That is much needed, seeing that my head is always on overload." Mingyu smiled and kissed the older. "Let's get out of here." They left the building, not knowing what was about to come.

   "Now landing in Los Angeles!" Seoksoo just landed in L.A, which caused them to wake up. "Oh wow. Here already?" Jisoo got up and stretched. He looked out the window and saw his hometown. He instantly got happy.

"Oh my gosh!" He jumped up and down. Seokmin chuckled at the older. "Cute." They got as decent as they could on the plane, and then loaded the rest of their stuff to unload off.

   "Seokmin! Over here!" The couple turned to see who called them. "Hi. I take it you know Younghyun hyung?" The man nodded. "Yes that's one of my friends. I'm Mark. Mark Tuan. He left you in my care so I guess it's best we head off?"

    "Gladly." Mark helped them load up the car and they left the airport. Jisoo admired the streets of his hometown. He missed it here. He really felt as if this was a much needed rejuvenation. All he knew was that he was so glad to be back.

   "And here are your foreign quarters." Jisoo was completely awestruck. He thought Seokmin couldn't exploit his riches any further. Man was he wrong. They pulled up to a beautiful, 8,000 acre mansion, and it had the perks to it. And of course, paid in full.

  "I'm in love," Jisoo said

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"I'm in love," Jisoo said. Seokmin looked at him and smiled. "Knew you'd like it, love." They walked inside as Mark unloaded all their stuff. "And here you are. I'll be back tomorrow morning in time to accompany you to your meeting." They thanked him and he left.

"It's currently 8 p.m and I am freaking starving." Jisoo walked to the fridge to see all the groceries and ingredients stocked. Luckily, they were up to date as well. "I k-know just what t-to do."

Yesss the babies have arrived to his hometown, and they bout to get busy👀

Thanks for reading! 🤍

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