🤍Chapter 10💠

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   "I don't know, Jisoo. I don't think they'll hire me. I mean, I don't have the same degree as you, and I'm pretty sure they have better options than me."

   Jisoo was currently walking Jae up to the interview floor. Seokmin thought it would be brilliant to ask Seungcheol to interview him, which the latter quickly agreed to.

   "You'll be fine, Jae hyung. Trust me." He dropped him off to Seungcheol, gave him a good luck prayer, and walked off to work. "Damn bruh, you cheating on Seokmin already?" Jisoo jumped at the voice but saw Wonwoo standing there.

   Jisoo shook his head. "That's one of my bestfriends. They called him in for an interview." Wonwoo chuckled. "I was just messing with you. Oh by the way, nice fit." He walked off, heading to Mingyu's office.

Jisoo liked the fact that everyone complimented his fit. Seungkwan had nice taste.

"Hey y'all! The queen is back!" Everyone turned to see Bada, the co-CEO's daughter, Seol's older sister, walk in. "Oh. Hi. Don't believe we've met. Where's Seokmin? I have to speak with him." Jisoo pointed to his office. "Thanks." She walked off.

Jisoo turned to Soonyoung. Soonyoung shook his head. "She's from hell, hyung." He walked to Jihoon's office. Oh boy.

"Oppa!" Bada ran in Seokmin's office, startling the boy. He realized who it was and instantly felt a wave of irritation fall over him. "Nice to see you again, Bada."

"Didn't you miss me? I for sure missed you." She snagged a kiss on his cheek. Seokmin shivered in disgust. Jisoo then walked in, seeing all of it. Seokmin's mood instantly lit up.

"I have to go handle some paperwork for Jae. How bout you two get familiar with each other, yea?" He hurriedly walked out. Bada looked at Jisoo. "Well, as stated, I'm Bada, soon to be female president of the company, and Seokmin's future wife."

Jisoo, for some reason, felt his stomach turn at that phrase. Nevertheless, he nodded. Then he grabbed a pen and paper. Bada looked confused. He started to write. He handed her the paper, gauging her reaction.

She put the paper down and looked at him. "This is my first time dealing with a mute. I have to teach myself sign language soon." Jisoo smiled and walked off. He was met with Jae.

"Soo! Oh my gosh! They said my interview went great! I'm in such a good mood right now." Jisoo smiled at his bestfriend, happy to have heard such good news. "Jisoo!" Said boy turned to see his boss, gesturing him to go inside his office.

Jae gave him a look. "You heard ya boss. Get ya ass in there." Jisoo shook his head at Jae and slapped his arm, walking to Seokmin's quarters.

    He walked in to see Seokmin with a very questionable look on his face. "You okay?" "I'm over it, Jisoo. Everything is happening too fast and it's shit that I don't need happening."

    Jisoo gave him a playful slap. "No swearing." Seokmin chuckled. "You're adorable." Jisoo blushed at that.


   "Seokmin! Tonight's the night of the presentation for shareholders from Osaka!" Mingyu pointed out. Seokmin's eyes widened at that.

   "I won't be able to make it! Jinyoung hyung and Yoona unnie want me to meet with them and my parents in Singapore! That's why I was heading out."

    "Double fucked, we are," Jihoon mumbled. "Well, yea never mind. He's right," Soonyoung said. Jisoo then clapped. Everyone looked at him. "You got any good ideas?" He nodded. Seungkwan handed him the whiteboard. "You know what to do man."

   "Seokmin, I understand that this was such short notice, but your uncle thought it would be a great idea to have a family dinner. To discuss future venues about our company."

    Seokmin nodded at his father's words. They all met up at an outdoor restaurant that was reserved for them for the evening. Yoona and Jinyoung showed up. "Hanbin! Chaerin! It's good to see you! You as well, Seokmin."

    They all sat down, and caught up with each other while ordering an entire buffet. Seokmin was not hungry, however. He was missing something, better yet, someone.

    His mind was wandering on everything, from how the presentation was going, or how they handled it. More importantly, on how Jisoo took care of the situation.

    Yoona set her wine down and cleared her throat. "So, while we are here, I believe it's the perfect time to discuss the engagement between Seokmin and Bada." Hanbin choked on his cherry wine. Chaerin wore a look of disgust.

   "I'm sorry. What now?" Jinyoung chuckled. "Now Hanbin, I thought we would agree that if we married them, it would help the company flourish quickly and ensure stability." Chaerin quickly butt in.

   "Sweetheart, I don't believe there's such matters to discuss. My son will not be forced to marry someone he doesn't have a connection with. That is up for him to decide on his own. Right son?"

    Seokmin smiled at his mom, happily nodding along. "Yes, eomma." Yoona and Jinyoung wore looks of anger on their faces. "Hopefully you'll come to terms with this soon. If not, I feel very sorry for you." They got up and left. Seokmin's parents looked at each other.

   "Can you believe them? I re fucking fuse, to go for shit like that." Hanbin nodded at his wife. "I don't believe they picked up on this yet. In time, they will. As for now, we should head back. The presentation is probably over by now." Seokmin then remembered. Oh shit....

I think this the last one I'm gonna post until Saturday. Then again, who knows, I might surprise you the rest of this week👀

Thanks for reading!💠

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