🤍Chapter 22💠

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"Jinyoung. I should've known better. That man been with this attitude since we started this company. Thing is, I was a fool to think he would change. If it's one thing I should know: a man won't change."

   Hanbin and Chaerin were discussing the matters that happened earlier that day. Chaerin explained to Hanbin what had happened, and he put two and two together.

   "The man had a loaded gun. And swore up and down that he would have this company under his name and his name only. What scared me was the fact that I was about have my brain blown out."

    Hanbin hugged his wife. "I will never let anyone, yet anything lay a hand on you for anything." Chaerin nodded, wondering what was going to happen next.


   "You almost got caught on the job, Cheol. And I almost died. I don't know what else to do." Seungcheol ran a hand through his hair. "We can't give up hope yet. We're so close."

Seol looked at her parents. "Well on the bright side, Nayeon got caught and got put back in jail. As for Wheein, we have no whereabouts on her. I'm getting anxious."

Jeonghan put a hand on his daughter's back. "Don't worry about her. All we need to do is make sure Jisoo remains unbothered." Seungcheol nodded. "Those two better make sure they're reinforcing everything to find that Wheein."

Seol nodded. "They wouldn't have been recruited if they can't do their job, dad. Trust me. They're clutch. I know it." Seungcheol nodded. "Remember what I said," Jeonghan said. Seol nodded. "Yes, mama."

"Oh my God, it's brutal out here. I literally need another drink." Jisoo shook his head. "No more alcohol for a week, your father said." Seokmin sighed. "I'm grown. Why am I listening to him?"

Jisoo smiled. "You may be grown but to him, you're forever a baby." DK then thought about it. The elder was right.

   "Point taken. Well, this is when we just go on faith and keep going. I just don't want anything happening to you. The thought of that makes me ill. I don't need anything else happening to you."

    Jisoo started blushing. "Well, I find it very endearing and sweet that you really care. But I'm actually just a mute burden. Don't waste your time, darling." Seokmin looked up at him.

    "Hyung, don't ever say that. Ever. You are no such thing." Jisoo cocked a brow. "I feel useless, but talking and all. Just don't know if it'll come back." Seokmin smiled. "Guess you'll have to wait and see, hyung."


The day ended, and everyone started to go home. "Younghyun, let's go." The big 3 (Jisoo, Seokmin and Jae) got inside the limo. Instead of going to where you'll find Jisoo's apartment, they kept going.

"Now I'm starting to see my hypothesis of serial killer play out," Jae said. Jisoo hit his arm. "Be quiet. On some real shit though, where are we going?" Seokmin smiled. "You'll see."

Jisoo thought his eyes fell out of his head when they pulled up to a brand new place. It was rather charming, to say the least.

   "This cool and all, but what are we going here?" Jae asked

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   "This cool and all, but what are we going here?" Jae asked. Seokmin chuckled. "It's because, you guys live here now."

Jisoo turned around. "You're fucking with me, right?" Jae shook his head. "Whew! This man been cussing a lot lately." Seokmin chuckled. "Figured you would want to get out of that bad environment. So yea."

Jisoo got out the limo, still not believing what the hell's happening. "Dude, how can I ever repay this?" Seokmin put up a hand. "No repayment. This is a gift. No returns on it, either." Jisoo started to protest, but didn't even bother.

"Thank you. So much." Seokmin looked down. "It's nothing, hyung."

"It's so pretty! I'm gonna lose it!" Of course, aunt Miya had to go crazy. She went and picked the biggest room and said because it's her Queendom, and the others couldn't even disagree.

"Wow. This is literally my dream house," Dino mumbled. "Don't we all love this?" Jae asked. Jisoo looked around. "Decorate whatever, however. Just don't get out of pocket."

"Hope you told your boyfriend thanks!" Miya yelled out. Jisoo looked back at her, blushing. "Auntie, he is NOT my boyfriend!" Jae let out a dramatic sigh and fell to the ground.

"Soo, we've all seen this gimmick before. Give it up. Just go ahead and let him put the ring on ya finger. I already got my maid of honor outfit on go." Jisoo shook his head. "You are something else."


    "We don't have long, guys. It was close call last time. Working smart, not hard, from now on. It's tiring, yes, but let's remember this is the greater good we speaking about."

    A woman started to speak up. "Do you know where I can find this Wheein?" The man nodded. "She's hiding out on Jeju Island. What do you have up your sleeve, Hwasa?"

   Hwasa smirked. "Don't think I'm gonna kill her. Unless it's absolutely necessary. Hell, I just might be able to turn her to our side."

   The man chuckled. "You always know how to act accordingly. Don't fall in a love trap. Got it?" She nodded. "Won't let ya down." She walked out. "Hopefully, this will take Bada down for good."

What's part of Hwasa's plan? My good sis smart with things so this will be fun🥰

I'm enjoying this. Don't know bout y'all💀. Hope you are, though💞

Thanks for reading!💠

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